I watch Hannah Montana The Movie too many times..lol

I watched it yesterday, last night..haha

also I watched "Spectacular!"

One Wish...
do you know this movie?

it's like "High School Musical"

this movie was from Nickelodeon.

also came out like..few months ago in U.S.

I watched just only one time.

so Ima watch it again!:D

One Wish...

okay, this is my beautiful mom:)

I mean Host Mom called Patty:)

she was my last host mom.

I was finding the new host mom in few weeks.

then, she asked me I can stay her house.

I was really happy that I could stay her house.

do you know why, she is really nice person I ever met.

she is a teacher @ BC. every students like her.

so when I stayed her house, they were jealous at me XD

anyway, I like her cooking. she is really good at it.

I ate a lot of Mexican foods.

awww...I'm really worrying about her now.

cuz she livesby her self and she doesn's feel good.

I wish I could stay much longer in U.S.

Ima visit her soon....

I miss you, Mom..;;

BTW, Ima meet Aino tomorrow!!!!
I'm hella exciting<3