I think my friends might know I love Jonas brothers..haha

I love them since they were debut.

OMG~ they are hella hot XD haha

BUT BUT I never met them before,,

I had a chance to meet them when I was in U.S.

but I couldn't ..cuz I forgot to call the office..X(

well, Ima meet them when they come to Japan!!!LOL

okay, Ima introduce this girl...
One Wish...

I think you might surprise when you see this girl XD haha

This is my bestie!!!She is Mayra<3

she is Mexian:P

I met her after school, I thought she is scary,,,haha

but I talked with her, she is hella funny, sweet, kindness<3

also she is Hello Kitty and Gloomy bear Lover!!!LOL

She told me some Spanish.

I still remember some sentences which she taught me:D

but I'm not gonna say here, cuz it's bad words..haha

I met her at cafeteria every morning.

I said, "Hola, Mayra! Como Estas??" to her.

She was always surprised and she said,

"Oh, Shittt!!!!." and we laughed.

We hang out just only one time.

I don't know why, I think my ex host family was striced me.

but when I moved to my new host mom's house,

She gave me free..lol

I could go every where:)

I mean she took me to..haha

anyway, before I left the U.S.

I had a party, and she came.

also her brother Luis.

we had so much fun to take pictures, talking,

signed the Year Book, and having dinner.

we still contact each other.

Te Quero mucho, and I miss ya, Mayra..