I couldn't leep last night, cuz I was cleaning my room.
I don't know why, I used to like mess room..haha
But when I went to U.S., I felt I need clean everything around me.
So I started to be everything clean around me.

When I came back to my room, my room was messed up!LOL
I think my brother or mom tried to find something my stuffs.
awwww...I can't stand the mess room!

My family try to clean the house, too!
because We gonna have exchange student from U.S. haha
that's why XD
we're exciting to meet exchange student.
oh, his name is Jon:)but Ima call him Jay!
It's his last name!
We gonna have a lot of fun!!Yay

I have another excitie things also..
Ima meet my BESTIE this month in TOKYO!!!
One Wish...
I'm hella excitig to meet her<3333
I met her before I left Japan..
so..I think we haven't met about a year or somethin??

I can't wait!!!!

love ya Aino<3