[サンフランシスコ] ポトレロヒルで好評のコーヒー+カフェ! / Linea Coffee | Tokyo Meets San Francisco - Times Like This -

Tokyo Meets San Francisco - Times Like This -

サンフランシスコ・ベイエリアローカル情報 & サンフランシスコへ来てふと思ったこと。
Local Information from San Francisco Bay Area





Linea Coffee Roasting + Caffe(リネア コーヒー ロースティング + カフェ)










ワールドバリスタチャンピオンシップthe Cup of Excellence コーヒープログラム審査員を務めたことがあるアンドリュー バーネットさんが開いたカフェです。



2013年には、ミッション地区に、カフェ リネアができて当初話題にキラキラ



そして、2019年にポトレロヒルに、リネアコーヒーロースティング + カフェがオープン。









また、2022年コーヒー部門でグッドフードアワードを取得。(Organic Ethiopia Bire Forest, California)



2021年には、オーガニックコーヒーの認定を受け、多くのコーヒーはオーガニックです。 そして、地球を守るためのサポートを促進しています。



アンドリューさんは、自分でコーヒーの焙煎をするようになり、リネアコーヒーの前に、北カリフォルニアのサンタローザで、Ecco Caffeを開業して、その後、サンフランシスコベイエリアに進出することを検討していたシカゴのIntelligentisaに売ります。



Sprudgeによると、ポトレロヒル店は、実は、Intelligentisaとパートナーシップを組んで、Ecco Caffeをサンタローザからサンフランシスコに移転する予定の場所だったようです。当時は実現しませんでしたが、Linea Coffeeとして実現されたことになります。






































Neighbor Bakehouseのペストリーが売られています。


SF Madeによると、リネアという名前は、イタリア語の列(ライン)から来ているようです。

















Linea Coffee Roasting + Caffe (Potrero Hill)

1125 Mariposa Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
Linea Caffe (Mission District)
3418 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
Weekdays 7am-4pm
Weekends 8am-5pm
宝石赤 Linea Coffee


にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ サンフランシスコ・ベイエリア情報へ










Coffee place from San Francisco!


Linea Coffee Roasting + Caffe



I had been wondering about this coffee place as there’s always a line in front of the building.


Linea Caffe was opened by Andrew Barnett who served as a judge for the World Barista Championship and the Cup of Excellence Coffee Program. He opened Linea Caffe in Mission District in 2013 which caught a lot of people’s attention. Then, Linea Coffee Roasting + Caffe opened in Potrero Hill in 2019. As the name says, it’s also a place for coffee roasting.


They were chosen as San Francisco Magazine’s Best Espresso and one of Food & Wine Magazine’s Best 11 Indie Coffee Shops in America. They also won the 2022 Good Food Awards for Coffee with 14 other winners.(Organic Ethiopia Bire Forest, California)


In 2021, they became certified organic and have a majority of their coffee being organic. They support “the sustainable efforts of farmers and organic farming techniques.” (by SF Made) 


Andrew started to roast coffee by himself, then he opened Ecco Caffe in Santa Rosa before opening up Linea. He  sold his caffe to Intelligentisa from Chicago that was trying to expand their business to the Bay Area at that time. According to Spurge, the Potrero Hill location was the place Ecco Caffe was going to move its location to from Santa Rosa when partnering with Intelligentisa. It didn’t happen at that time but he came back and make it happen with Linea Coffee, which I thought was amazing.


Luckily there was not a long line when I went there so I didn’t have to wait long. However, I heard sometimes you have to wait for a while to get some coffee. It was a cozy atmosphere inside and I had an impression staff was carefully making coffee one by one. We had cafe latte and mocha. Its foamed milk was creamy, silky and smooth. I could imagine how carefully coffee was selected considering the natural sweetness from the coffee. It’s definitely a premium coffee. The barista made such a beautiful and artistic latte.

There’s no indoor seating but plenty of space outside if you’d like to take a break. I heard they sell pastries from Neighbor Bakehouse. 

According to SF Made, Linea comes from Italian word, line.


I was a bit surprised at the price of Mocha as it was $7 and it became $8 with oat milk. Cafe latte was  $5.75 as a base cost. 


For people who don’t drink coffee, there’s matcha latte. Apparently, they use “farm-direct and stone-milled” matcha from Mizuba Tea Co. which is a Uji-cha tea dealer. I’ve never heard of the place and got curious. It looks like you could find this match at Linea or Bi-Rite in San Francisco.



Linea Coffee Roasting + Caffe (Potrero Hill)

1125 Mariposa Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
Linea Caffe (Mission District)
3418 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
Weekdays 7am-4pm
Weekends 8am-5pm
宝石赤 Linea Coffee