2月にアップした "La réminiscence 10♡美術館の、という話し" https://ameblo.jp/la-reminiscence/entry-12438080491.html  の英語版です



This article is an English version translated from "La réminiscence 10♡美術館の、という話し" https://ameblo.jp/la-reminiscence/entry-12438080491.html  issued on the 5th February. I am happy and appreciate your kind reading and your help, any comments, or suggestions on my ambiguous English and French translation, if I get it from you. Thanks.


I am writing this blog, la réminiscence, with best thanks and wishes, reminiscing a lover in the far past from the negative films that came out by chance. 







Hello everyone


Valentine's quotes are born at night.


I need Vitamin U.


If you are told so that, what is your answer against it?

Uhm,,it is so diffcult for me to find my reply.


On coming white day, please accept my white wine filled with my love.

I'm not sure, but I’ll be put off by this phrase.


My weakness was U, but still now it’s YOU.


Valentine's Day is soon coming.

For me, it was a little early Valentine's Day.

I got chocolates from my daughters last night.^^

Of course, I told daughters my thanks.






A sunny day in precious moments at Yume-no-Shima, Tokyo 




Well, I will write this time about the stories of the museums, a standard place of dating.


There are many museums and galleries in Tokyo.


Setagaya Art Museum

The Shoto Museum of Art

The Gotoh Museum

Hara Museum of Contemporary Art

Small galleries in Harajuku and in Namiki Dori street in Ginza.

We visited so often.


I wrote a little some scene of memories in below.





♡♡The Gotoh Museum

Suddenly, it started raining heavily.


I got wet, even underwear.

Of course, she did not say such a thing.


Take my picture in quick, it's raining.

She hold an umbrella naturally and I took a picture at the entrance.




♡♡Setagaya Art Museum

It's a daytime date. Envious for our eyes!

You came to mind after guys' booing.


Kiss me! 

Now and here.

Eh? Here?

Of course we did not say that.


It was another couple who is kissing openly in broad daylight.^^


I like this picture.

A picture that you stopped in front of it and said that “I like this picture”.

It was a picture of Louis Vivant, a naive painter.

It looked a gentle one.




♡♡The Shoto Museum of Art

One bridge in the beginning of summer.

You pointed your finger at the black straw hat.


How is this? 

Look so good stunning?

The moment you said that "look so good stunning?",

I took one picture of the reflected moment.




♡♡At a gallary in Ginza Art-Vivant

A gallery in Ginza that we dropped by casually.


Wow, it's nice, this picture.

After a while,

I would want it.

You whispered.


A picture you whispered that "I would want it", it was a "parasol" painted by David Schneuer.

It was a refined serigraph-type of picture.




♡♡A Photography Museum

The photography museum where stands silently in the hustle and bustle of a big city.

In front of a small gallery in there.


I tried to open the door.




A Photograpy Museum

A day in summer, 2018


A photograpy museum where stands silently.

I tried to open the door,

and then I entered in the gallary.


The place is,


Bienvenue au musée de la photo

Wellcome to the photograpy museum.

Special Exhibition: La Réminiscence

Display Period: TBD

Opening Hours: 24 hours

Entrance Fee: Free

Works on display may be removed or replaced^^



Many pictures on the wall


One piece, and one more, they are


YOU of that day


Bursting into the light and shining


It was such a MOMENT



Photo no.1
Titre: Illumination
Emplacement: Aoyama Street



Photo no.2
Titre: Rain Drop
Emplacement: The Gotoh Museum
Photo no.3
Titre: Manicure, Fancy Nails
Emplacement: Aoyama Street


Photo no.4
Titre: Reflection
Emplacement: The Shoto Museum of Art
Photo no.5
Titre: Little Happiness, Makeup
Emplacement: In front of the mirror


Photo no.6
Titre: Dream
Emplacement: The Shoto Museum of Art
♡ ♡♡ ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡
pas d'image
sous préparation
♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡ ♡ 
Photo no.7
TitreSourire Éternel
EmplacementDans le bonheur, ou le Hara Musée d'Art Contemporain





Réminiscence du musée.

Hope you are fine.

Wish you to be happy.




La réminiscence, ixprime bcbg 2019






Thank you 

for reading my blog.

Let's see you again.

Have a fun of your Valentines days!






♡ I need Vitamin U. and other: It referred to ”サクッとつかえる!バレンタイン英語メッセージ2019:キュート編(#^^#)

Special thanks to Sachiko san, for your Sachiko Bridge's blog.

♡She’s been working as a secretary of a general manager and vice president at the French company. For all secretaries, French was essential.


レミニセンス記事はときどき英語にしています。他の英語版はこちらになります → Réminiscence English https://ameblo.jp/la-reminiscence/theme-10107941717.html 






 All pictures are not allowed to copy, to forward without agreement.

By: La réminiscence, ixprime bcbg 2019