5月にアップした "La réminiscence 17♡TASCHENのレミニセンス" https://ameblo.jp/la-reminiscence/entry-12455892858.html  の英語版です

カノジョが残した辞書には世界にひとつしかない "愛" という文字がある




This article is an English version translated from La réminiscence 17♡TASCHENのレミニセンス  https://ameblo.jp/la-reminiscence/entry-12455892858.html issued on the 13th May. I am happy and appreciate your kind reading and your help, any comments, or suggestions on my ambiguous English and French translation, if I get it from you. Thanks.


I am writing this blog, la réminiscence, with best thanks and wishes, reminiscing a lover in the far past from the negative films that came out by chance. 






Hello everyone

I feel a little warm day like early summer during the daytime in Tokyo.

The breeze is so good, and I feel so comfortable.


H or I? 

Which one do you like?

My heart skipped a beat.♡♡


Iced café latte, please.

I ordered a cup of iced one.

If you say H please in the café, it may be a bad guy. ← No one such a costomer in a café.^^



A dictionary presented to Joséphine, it does not seem to be a word "impossible" in there.
But the dictionary which she, who is a heroine of this blog, left behind has a word "love", is the only one in the world.






Her Name


Just what, do you say ex-lover's name, Ms. S?

You came out of the shower and questioned me with one piece of bath towel. Why did ex-her name come out of your lips? I thought it was that you heard someone in the office told you at that time, but I realized the reason of it yesterday. It was the back cover of TASCHEN. She, ex-lover, also wrote her name within several books. It was only once that her name came out of your lips. Your favorite TASCHEN's book that you prefered, you still have them carefully? Or you did already throw it away?

サイドバーメモリー#289♡カノジョの名前, 5/10




A book of TASCHEN


I want it, this book.

You put off your bath towel and put on my shirt, and said.


Have it to me next time. 

I'll go back my house.

I rushed to pack into my bag with your tossed dress, and the TASCHEN books quickly, and then chased you. Since then, we have never talked about it with together. It didn't matter with us, it was felt for me like that the presence of you erased ex-lover. Absolutely, it didn't so concerned matter.

サイドバーメモリー#294♡カノジョの名前2, 5/12




Le Petit Prince


On the contrary, there were some books left by you. Le Petit Prince de Antoine de Saint‐Exup'ery and a French dictionay. "Le Petit Prince" was given to a lady when I left the company! What a OMG! Your name was also written in there. A lot of traces that you studied hard were left behid in both of books. You can use French, work as a secretary and chat with foreign managers. But, sounds in French you whispered was a lullaby for me.

サイドバーメモリー#286♡Le Petit Prince, 5/9




A French Dictionary


Love in French is "Amour".

It's masculine noun, so "L'amour".

Saying that, you put a pink line mark in the dictionary.


Verb love, "aimer"

I love you is, you know, "Je t'aime".

Say it. 


Je t'aime.

You whisper, gently.

Your lip was opened small and round, then you underlined with a pen.




Réminiscence de TASCHEN, je me suis

souvenu comme ça.

Even now, in the bed


No, you whisper, gently.


You are whispering like that?



Hope you are fine. 

Wish you to be happy.




La réminiscence, ixprime bcbg 2019


Like the sound of Angel's bell echoes on lovers in Paris, the sound of Wako's bell in Ginza echoed in the sky in Tokyo.

Nine o'clock P.M., Saturday in Ginza.





Do you write your name in your book?

A book of TASCHEN that I was just happened to encounter a photo in a blog pal's article.

Since I met the book, then one memory which I had forgotten all the time came out to my mind.




for reading my blog.

Let's see you again.

Catch the winds in your sails, and have a fun of your dream!





Special thanks

♡Re "Catch the winds in your sails.", it was quoted from "旅にまつわる名言集2" of Sachiko BRIDGE's blog.


♡H: means hug and sex in Japanese. I’m not sure the reason why. Also “I“ means love, “J” means joy, and “K” means kiss.

♡Joséphine de Beauharnais: A first wife of Napoleon I.


♡She’s been working as a secretary of a general manager and vice president at the French company. For all secretaries, French was essential.


レミニセンス記事はときどき英語にしています。他の英語版はこちらになります → Réminiscence English https://ameblo.jp/la-reminiscence/theme-10107941717.html 





By: La réminiscence, ixprime bcbg 2019