




By Matthew Gault 更新日: 2024年07月11日|













 オークリッジ国立研究所 報告書の一部抜粋




















 調査された試料の出所は、ブリンク182のフロントマンでUFOマニアのトム・デロンゲが代表を務める独立研究組織、TTSAトゥー・ザ・スターズ・アカデミーである。同団体はプレスリリースの中で、"この材料は明らかに構造化された厚さわずかミクロンでMgZnとBiの明確な層で設計されている"、"このような構造化された材料の組み合わせは前例がない "と述べている。





"この試料の長い保管の連鎖を検証することはできないが、この試料に対する一般の人々やメディアの関心は、科学的方法に従った透明性のある調査を正当化するものであった "と報告書は述べている。





プレスリリースもオークリッジの報告書も、ニューメキシコ州ロズウェルについては触れていないが、サンプルの回収時期を1947年と特定していることから、To The Starsにサンプルを提供した人物は、そこが起源であると主張している可能性が高い。






 1915年に始まり、第二次世界大戦中にピークを迎えたMg合金の国内研究は、機体、エンジン、兵器、運搬システム用として広く行われていた。当時、研究者はマグネシウムの腐食やその他の故障メカニズムについて十分に理解していなかった。91011 多くのプロジェクトで、Mg中に1~4wt.%のZnを含むマグネシウム-亜鉛(Mg-Zn)合金が研究された。
12. 13 14 他のプロジェクトでは、耐食性に関するMg合金へのPbとBi添加物の影響について研究された。この研究では、PbとBiは表面張力が低いため表面に集中し、この試料に見られるバンディングと一致することがわかった15。
1970年以前には、蒸着製造技術は十分に成熟しておらず、原始的な薄膜を達成することは困難であった。16 17
18 19 20 21 当然のことながら、失敗したMg 合金設計の記録は乏しい。


1 (U) Journal article, Journal of Modern Optics; Podolskiy, V. A., Alekseev, L. V., & Narimanov, E. E.; 03 MAY 2005; Strong Anisotropic Media: the THz Perspective of Left-handed Materials; Vol.52(16), pp 2343-2349.
2 (U) 同上。
3 (U) Report, DOE OSTI Technical Report; Johnson, H.A.; 01 JUN 1954; Experimental Magnesium Alloys. Part 2. Wrought Alloy Survey of Minor Additions to Selected Mg-Base Alloys; https://www.osti.gov/biblio/4408202; Accessed 15 FEB 2024.
4 (U) Journal article, The Astrophysical Journal; Nguyen, A, Messenger, S.; 01 APR 2014; Resolving the Stellar Sources of Isotopically Rare Presolar Silicate Grains through Mg and Fe Isotopic Analyses; Vol.784:149, pp 1-15.
5 (U) Journal article, Earth & Planetary Science Letters; Chakrabarti R. & Jacobsen S.; 01 MAY 2010; The isotopic composition of magnesium in the Inner Solar System; Vol.293, pp 349-358.
(U)雑誌論文, Earth & Planetary Science Letters; Higgins, J. A. & Schrag, D. P.; 03 NOV 2012; 深海炭酸塩堆積物と間隙流体における新第三紀海水化学と自然形成の記録; 357巻, pp 386- 396.
(U) Journal article, Reviews in Minerology and Geochemistry; Teng, F.-Z.; 01 MAR 2017; Magnesium Isotope Geochemistry; Vol.82, pp 219-287.
8 (U) Journal article, The Astrophysical Journal; Hoppe, P, Leitner, J, Kodolanyi, J; 10 DEC 2018; New Insights into the Galactic Chemical Evolution of Magnesium and Silicon Isotopes from Studies of Silicate Stardust; Vol.869:47、
pp 13
(U) Journal article, S. A. E. Journal (Transactions); Welty, G.; 01 MAR 1932; Magnesium Alloys in Aircraft-Engine Construction; Vol.27, pp 112-115.
10 (U) Report, Light Metals and the Thermal Frontier; Perry, R.L.; 1955; History of Wright Air Development Center, 1 July-31 December 1955, Vol.3, pp 1-68; Box A3016, Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH.
11 (U) Missile, Hughes Aircraft Co.; 1954-ca.1962; Falcon GAR-1 Air-to-Air Missile; Inventory No;
材質:マグネシウムの外皮、本体とフィンはガラス繊維強化フェノールプラスチック; https://www.si.edu/object/missile-air-air-falcon-gar-1:nasm A19580099000, Accessed 17 JUN 2024.
12 (U) Report, DOE OSTI Technical Report; Jones, J B.; 01 OCT 1951; Ultrasonics Applied to Solidification And Solid- State Transformation; https://www.osti.gov/biblio/4394795; Accessed 15 FEB 2024、
13 (U) Report, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Jones, A., Lennon, J. H., Nash, R. R., Chang, W. H. & MacPeek, E. G.; 01 SEP 1952; Magnesium Alloy Research Studies; https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/tr/pdf/ADA075877.pdf; Table XVIII pp 70; Accessed 15 FEB 2024.
14 (U) Report, DOE OSTI Technical Report; Taylor, Henry F. and C. F. Flemings; 01 OCT 1956; Factors Affecting the Fluidity And Hot Cracking of Magnesium Alloys. 対象期間: 対象期間:1955 年 6 月~1956 年 6 月;
https://www.osti.gov/biblio/4354056; Accessed 16 FEB 2024.


●Pentagon Publishes Report on Material From an Alleged Alien Aircraft

Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists studied the scrap of metal and decided it’s just a failed 20th century experiment into magnesium alloys and not alien at all.

By Matthew Gault | Comments (23)


The branch of the Pentagon tasked with investigating UFOs published a new report on the origins of what’s long been thought to be a piece of an alien aircraft. Spoilers: it’s not.


The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)—the DoD’s UFO investigators—sent a sample of an alleged extraterrestrial aircraft to Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 2022, according to a Thursday press release. Oak Ridge studied the material for two years and sent its report to the AARO in April, and the conclusion is that the sample is probably not alien at all. It’s likely just one in a long line of experimental materials from the 20th century crafted in an effort to make a lighter and stronger aircraft.

“This specimen has been publicly alleged to be a component recovered from a crashed extraterrestrial vehicle in 1947, and purportedly exhibits extraordinary properties, such as functioning as a terahertz waveguide to generate antigravity capabilities,” the AARO said in the press release. “Considering all available evidence, AARO assesses that this specimen is likely a test object, a manufacturing product or byproduct, or a material component of aerospace performance studies to evaluate the properties of [magnesium] alloys.”


According to the report, the speculated piece of a UFO aircraft is just a normal magnesium compound.

“Although the origin, chain of custody, and ultimate purpose of this specimen remain unclear, a modern and robust analysis of its chemical and structural composition and properties does not indicate that its origin is non-terrestrial, nor do the data indicate that the material examined ever had the pure single-crystalline bismuth layer that could possibly have acted as a terahertz waveguide,” Oak Ridge said in its report.


The source of the studied specimen is the To The Stars Academy, an independent research organization headed by Blink-182 frontman and UFO fanatic, Tom DeLonge. The organization said in a press release that “the material is clearly engineered with distinct layers of MgZn and Bi at structured thicknesses only microns thick” and “there is no precedent for this structured combination of materials.”

Oak Ridge agreed to look at the material after To The Stars consented to have it studied.

“Although the long chain of custody for this specimen cannot be verified, public and media interest in the specimen warranted a transparent investigation that adhered to the scientific method,” the report said. “The specimen’s physiochemical properties are claimed to make the material capable of “inertial mass reduction” (i.e., levitation or antigravity functionality), possibly attributable to the material’s bismuth and magnesium layers acting as a terahertz waveguide.”

The AARO and Oak Ridge say the material is likely an early test of new aerospace alloys from the 20th century. “There was widespread domestic research on [magnesium] alloys for airframes, engines, weapons, and delivery systems starting in 1915 and peaking during World War II,” the organizations reported.


“Many experimental [magnesium] alloys failed for reasons not well understood at the time of testing, e.g., stress corrosion cracking,” the AARO said in its press release. “Unsurprisingly, records of failed [magnesium] alloy designs are scant. Neither AARO nor ORNL could verify the specimen’s historical origin. Unverifiable, conflicting personal accounts complicate its undocumented chain of custody.”

Neither the press release nor the Oak Ridge report mention Roswell, New Mexico, but pinpointing the recovery date of the material to 1947 makes it likely that whoever gave the sample to To The Stars has claimed that’s where it came from.


The Roswell crash is a foundational myth among UFO fans and conspiracy theorists. The short version is that something crashed in the deserts outside of Roswell, New Mexico. The Air Force recovered pieces of it and said it was a weather balloon. But others have long believed it was an alien spacecraft.

That incident kicked off decades of panic and interest in strange lights in the sky. That interest picked up again in recent years after a number of high-profile sightings by U.S. Navy pilots and the publication of declassified videos of strange aerial phenomena. U.S. legislators tasked the Pentagon with figuring out why so many people reported seeing strange lights in the sky. In response, the Pentagon formed the AARO in 2022 and it’s been investigating what it called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) ever since.


It’s published several reports but has, as of yet, failed to uncover proof of extraterrestrial or interdimensional visitation of America.






