中古車を購入しました! | アランのブログ Alan Lee's Blog

アランのブログ Alan Lee's Blog

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こんにちは!ウインク最近、僕が住んでいるホバートで中古車を購入しました。購入したのは、かなり古い2008年製のHoldenブランドのディーゼル車です。価格は4,700オーストラリアドル(約46万円)でした。 車ふんわり風船星

Hello! Recently, I bought a used car in Hobart, where I live. It's a quite old Holden brand diesel car from 2008, priced at 4,700 Australian dollars (about 460,000 yen).


日本に住んでいる方にとって、Holdenというブランドは聞き慣れないかもしれませんが、これはオーストラリア独自のブランドです。僕自身、このブランドについてはほとんど知識がなかったのですが、価格が手頃だったので購入を決めました! 外観は全体的に良好で、いくつかの小傷はありましたが、許容できる範囲内です。白い塗装は僕の好みでした! ウインク

For those living in Japan, the Holden brand might be unfamiliar, as it's unique to Australia. I didn't know much about this brand either, but the affordable price convinced me to make the purchase! The exterior is overall in good condition, with some minor scratches that are within an acceptable range. The white paint is to my liking!



The interior is very simple, equipped only with the basic functionalities expected of a passenger car. It lacks Bluetooth, a navigation system, parking monitors, etc. However, it does have air conditioning.



To enjoy music, I bought a Bluetooth transmitter on eBay. The sound quality isn't great, but as long as it produces sound, I'm satisfied.






Also, such a car is called "Hellfoot Car King" in Cantonese. It's cheap and gets you to your destination, but there's no luxury in the ride at all! It exists like a household appliance. If it breaks, you either repair it or throw it away, with absolutely no emotional attachment. Is there a Japanese expression equivalent to "Hellfoot Car King"? If so, please let me know in the comments!