iPhone SEと新しいケース/iPhone SE and new case | ミンバのロドビフ記録



渓流釣りの最中になくしてしまったiPhone 13mini。







仕方がないのでiPhone SEを2台購入することに。




その上でまずは私のiPhone SEの購入。これまではAppleからSIMフリー機種を直接購入していましたが、どうにか少しでも経済的ダメージを減らせないかと色々と検討した結果、楽天モバイルからSIM無しで機種のみ買えることを知り、楽天経済圏の私は迷わずその選択肢を選ぶことにしました。








そしてSIMカードの再発行。これまでIIJ MIOのライトスタートプランのままずっと使い続けていましたが、ギガプランの方が今のプランよりも条件が良く、かつ安いことを知り、SIMの再発行に加えてプランの変更手続きも行いました。これは怪我の功名。たまには調べないと駄目だなと思いました。


そんなこんなで届いたiPhone SE。iPhone 13 miniとそんな違わないだろうと思っていたけども、物理ボタンがある分、画面が小さいし、気持ち画質も悪い。思ったよりもiPhone13 miniからの劣化が気になってしまいました。値段差が3万あるのはそれなりに妥当なのかな。。。





















私の携帯をセットアップできてから、妻のiPhone SEをこちらはAppleで24回払の金利手数料無料のローンで購入。


iPhone 13 miniよりも本体価格が大きく安くなり、しかも妻の携帯の下取りサービスで9000円OFFになったため、月賦の支払額は以前よりも1000円ほど安くなりました。さらに、携帯の料金プランもより安いものに変更。結果として、今回携帯を無くしたことで、ものすごーく長期的に見ればむしろお得になった、と自分に暗示。


ポイントまで色々加味すると、結局iPhone 13mini、1台分で、

iPhone SEを2台購入できたことになるので良しとします。


I lost my iPhone 13 mini while fishing by the stream.


I still had 13 installments left on the payment plan, so if I were to buy a new phone now, I'd end up with double monthly payments. What's more, my wife's phone is an iPhone 8, and it's about time we replaced it... So, the timing was quite inconvenient.


I considered the option of buying a new phone for my wife and using her old iPhone 8 for myself for a while, but she mentioned its battery last very quickly even after full-charging, so that idea was rejected.


With no other choice, I decided to purchase two iPhone SEs.


First, I initiated the process to pay off the remaining installments in one go. It was around 50,000 yen... I had been using Apple's interest-free installment plan, so it wouldn't have been a problem to keep paying in installments. However, the thought of making monthly payments for something I no longer possessed would constantly remind me of the loss, and I didn't like that idea. So, I chose to pay it off all at once.


With that settled, I went ahead with purchasing my own iPhone SE. Previously, I used to buy SIM-free models directly from Apple. But in an attempt to minimize the financial impact, I explored various options. Eventually, I discovered that I could buy the phone without a SIM card from Rakuten Mobile, and as I’m the one being within the Rakuten ecosystem, I readily chose that option.


Additionally, I exchanged JAL & ANA miles at a less favorable rate to obtain 24,000 Rakuten points. Originally, I intended to use these points when buying a bait reel, but plans change.


Combined with other accumulated points, I used 27,814 points and got the red 64GB iPhone SE for 34,986 yen. Thanks to a campaign, I received an additional 4,060 points, making the effective cost a little over 30,000 yen.


Next was obtaining a new SIM card. I had been using IIJ MIO's Lite Start plan, but I learned that the Giga Plan had better terms and was cheaper. So, I not only replaced the SIM card but also changed my plan. Sometimes, research is necessary, as this turned out to be beneficial.


So, the iPhone SE arrived after all this. I initially thought it wouldn't differ much from the iPhone 13 mini, but due to the physical buttons, the screen is smaller and the display quality slightly poorer. The downgrade from the iPhone 13 mini was more noticeable than I expected. Considering the 30,000 yen price difference, it's somewhat reasonable, I suppose...


With a new phone comes the need for a case. Taking into account how I lost the iPhone SE, I looked for a waterproof case with a strap, and preferably inexpensive. I settled on this one...

The silent mode can be toggled by twisting the (+) here, and there's a definite sense of a determined waterproof structure.

And for preventing further loss, I purchased a strap with a carabiner.


When it arrived, I honestly thought, "I could probably find the same thing at a 100 yen shop." Still, considering the hassle of going to a store, I can accept paying a bit more than 200 yen...


So, now whenever I go fishing, I'll make sure to attach the carabiner somewhere, so even if I drop it, it'll be fine; and hopefully, it will survive being wet.


Data recovery was a concern, but miraculously, there was a backup in my old Mac, which I hadn't turned on in ages. While it's from 2021, I managed to recover most of the data. Contacts and such that I added within the past two years were lost, but since I didn't remember them, there was almost no damage data-wise.


Once I set up my phone, I proceeded to get an iPhone SE for my wife, this time using Apple's 24-month interest-free loan.


The iPhone SE had a significantly lower price than the iPhone 13 mini, and with a trade-in discount of 9,000 yen for my wife's old phone, the monthly payment ended up being around 1,000 yen cheaper than before. Plus, we changed to a more affordable phone plan. In the end, losing the phone turned out to be quite cost-effective for the long term, at least that's what I'm telling myself.


Taking all the points into account, in the end, I got two iPhone SEs for the price of an iPhone 13 mini. So, I consider this a good outcome.