九十九里サーフ3連チャンなるか/Triple win fishing at Kujukuri? | ミンバのロドビフ記録











そして渓流用ルアーを買いに行ったときにちゃっかり無くしたサイレントアサシン120F フラッシュブーストも購入。これでしかサーフで釣れたことがないので、やっぱり手元に欲しかったので。。。。



ただ、リーダーの手持ちが8lb, 12lb, 16lb, 50lb, 80lbしかなかったので16lbにするかちょっと迷いましたが、16lbでフルキャストして万が一切れてしまったら嫌だなと思い、50lbをPE1.5号につなぐ、かなり頭でっかちなセッティングにしました。






































離岸流の見分け方も何となくわかり、キャストも決まるようになった頃には9時。ふと手元のApple Watchを見ると、消費カロリー600 kcal超え。




そこから10時までの1時間はカロリーを消費するのが目的になり、「お、610」、「お、650」と定期的にカロリーを確認しながら釣り(の操作)。こういう釣りから意識が離れているときに魚が来てくれることを期待しつつ、釣りをし続けましたが、最終的にノーバイト、ノーフィッシュで終了、カロリーは720 kcal。








This week, after a little over a month, I went to Kujukuri Beach. 

I headed to the spot where I had caught flatfish (soge) two times in a row during my previous visits.


As the previous day's work ended relatively smoothly, I was able to go to bed early. I woke up at 3:30 AM, had a hearty breakfast, and departed at 4:00 AM. My plan was to start fishing around 5:00 AM.


Honestly, the tides were a bit tricky, as it was a "Wakashio" tide, and low tide was around 5:30 AM.

During the previous fishing session, I realized that my line setup, PE 3 line with a 50lb leader, was too thick for my rod, which caused the guides to bend and resulted in losing a Silent Assassin lure. So, this time I changed the line to a PE1.5 line for a better setup.


I also bought a Silent Assassin 120F Flash Boost lure when I went to purchase lures for river fishing. Since this lure had previously only worked for me in surf fishing, I really wanted to have it on hand for this trip.


However, I had only 8lb, 12lb, 16lb, 50lb, and 80lb leaders available. I wondered whether to use the 16lb leader, but I was worried about it breaking during a full cast. So, I opted for a somewhat top-heavy setup by connecting the 50lb leader to the PE 1.5 line.


I arrived at the fishing spot around 5:10 AM. As usual, I put on my waders and started fishing. Since the sunrise was at 5:00 AM, it was already quite bright, and I wore my polarized sunglasses from JINS. I started with the Silent Assassin lure, of course.


In the previous sessions, I had caught flatfish early on, but this time, I didn't get any bites at all.

Due to the "Wakashio" tide and the fact that I was fishing from the time of low tide, the coastline was drawn back by about 30 meters compared to the previous times. This made me realize how shallow the surf was.


Surfers were already active early in the morning. At the nearest offshore point from the parking lot (where I had caught fish in previous sessions), I noticed several surfers floating right where my lure would land with each cast. While I wanted to focus on that spot, I had to give up due to the crowded area.


I gradually moved sideways while continuously casting my lure. When I felt resistance during the retrieve, I noticed red flags on the beach marking points where offshore currents were generated. I confirmed that heavy resistance meant an offshore current point. I continued fishing while keeping this in mind.


Since I hadn't caught anything early on, I started thinking that the day might not be successful. My goal for the day shifted to learning how to identify offshore currents and enjoying casting my lure smoothly.


As I moved and cast, I carefully looked for any visual cues to identify offshore currents. I wondered if there was a way to differentiate them just by appearance. I observed intently while continuing my movements.

I had heard that points where offshore currents occur are characterized by the bottom being carved out and being deeper than the surrounding areas. Initially, I thought even if I looked for such features, I wouldn't be able to tell. However, as I continued to observe closely, I began to notice these characteristics becoming more visible.


After trying to observe the offshore currents, I realized that they were visible with polarized glasses. In shallower areas, sand particles were kicked up by waves, giving a brownish appearance. In areas where offshore currents were there and because of that there is deeper, the sand stayed down, and these areas appeared deep green. However, without the polarized glasses, both areas looked white.


Furthermore, as I moved parallel to the shore, I noticed that when I approached points where offshore currents were present, the depth went up to about knee level. From there, there were shallow areas that gradually became shallower, reaching about ankle depth. I observed multiple points with this pattern.

I also realized that the areas with these changes in depth weren't necessarily perpendicular to the shore. Instead, they seemed to form in a radiating or diagonal pattern.


During middle and high tide, it's probably around this spot where I'm currently standing and casting my lure. I imagined that Flounders (Hirame) might be present around subtle changes in the terrain like this. To prepare for future fishing trips, I occasionally looked back, checked the positions of the shore's structures, and mentally noted "this spot" while continuing to fish.


After that, it was all about full casts. With PE 1.5 line, the line release was significantly better compared to PE 3, allowing for stress-free and powerful casting.


The Silent Assassin, weighing 19g, flew really well. However, if I made a mistake during casting, the lure would spin in the air, diminishing the satisfaction. When the cast was executed perfectly, the lure would go straight with its rear end leading, covering a distance of nearly 70 meters, providing a refreshing feeling.


But, the 50lb leader was still too thick. The blue PE 1.5 line was thin, and against the blue sky and sea, I, with poor eyesight, could hardly see it. Only the thick fluorocarbon leader, about the length of a person's forearm, seemed to be trailing behind the lure's rear, making me wonder if having at least a 30lb leader would have made a difference in casting performance.


The mistake of the day was in choosing the reel. The Daiwa's 20 Luvias 2500 with a double handle proved to be inconvenient. Although I also had the single-handled Luvias, I decided for the double handle for no specific reason, just to try it out. However, the opposite handle would occasionally hit the chest pocket of my life jacket, creating a bothersome "thud, thud" sound. I realized that the single-handled reel would have been a better choice.


By the time I had started to understand how to identify offshore currents and had improved my casting technique, it was already 9:00 AM. I suddenly glanced at my Apple Watch and noticed that I had burned over 600 kilo calories. While I wasn't sure about the exact algorithm used for calorie calculation, I decided to trust the number.

It struck me that this activity had turned out to be quite a workout. Wearing waders, wading through water up to my knees, and continuously casting and retrieving for four hours had contributed to burning this many calories. Looking back, I realized I had become quite tired.


Between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM, my focus shifted to burning calories. I regularly checked the watch, seeing numbers like "Oh, 610" and "650,already!" while continuing the routine of fishing. During this time, I hoped that fish might bite while my attention was diverted from fishing. However, in the end, I had no bites and no catches. My calorie count for the day reached 720 kcal.

Despite the absence of people in beach after the Obon holidays and the searing heat, it had turned out to be a challenging surf fishing experience.


During the fishing, a surfer came up to me and asked, "Do you feel any bites?" I explained that in surf fishing, I only feel a bite when a fish has definitely taken the bait, so I rarely feel the typical "bite" sensation. I mentioned that although there aren't many "bites," fish are caught occasionally. The surfer didn't mean any harm, but he responded with a slightly ambiguous comment like, "Oh, you don't feel any bites? You must have good persistence then." 


From my perspective, watching them from the shore, it seemed like around 80% of the time, surfers were just floating in the water, so I thought we were both in a similar situation.


Later, after returning home, my wife had an event she wanted to attend, so I had taken the three kids to bowling for the first time. We passed the time, and my already tired right hand got even more exhausted due to bowling. The total calorie burn for the day reached 1200 kcal. It was surprising that without cycling or running, I had exceeded 1000 kcal burned, which might have been the first time. Discovering that fishing can be good exercise turned out to be a rewarding takeaway from the day.