⑫渓流用ロッドまとめ/Summary of mountain river rod build | ミンバのロドビフ記録

















6)トップガイド(T-KGST4 0.7-2.2mm):1375円


8)ベリーガイド(T-KTSG 5.5J):455円

9)チョークガイド(T-KTSG 10S):735円

10)バットガイド(T-KLSG 16J):1120円





15)タコ糸(1 mm):196円 








これを高いと見るか、安いと見るか。私は高くもないし安くもない。。。という印象です。自分が欲しいスペックの竿を作れる(3ピース、5ft以下)という価値はプライスレスですし、使用しているパーツの観点で、同じレベルの竿を市販品で買おうと思えば、最低でも3万、物によっては5万はするので、そういう観点では「お得」と自分に言い聞かせることは出来ます笑 ブランクの価格をB品2本で7200円との平均値にすると、1本あたり5700円で買えた、と考えることもできるので、そうなると20605円になるのでよりお得に感じることも出来ます笑


見た目と機能性を少し犠牲にすれば、ワインディングチェック、アルミリング、フックキーパーは必須ではないので、その分の1540円を更に引くと、B品ブランクとの平均価格を採用すれば19065円、普通にTr6509 の価格で考えれば23265円となります。












27) ロッドドライヤー(フィニッシングモーター):7424円

















I had hoped to return from my business trip to Boston on Saturday evening and then take it easy, maybe go fishing on Sunday morning. However, when I got home, I found out that a summer festival was being held, so despite being tired, I took my children there. As a result, I had to cancel the test for my custom-made stream fishing rod using the rod I built.


Here's a summary of the actual costs for building the rod:

I designed the rod to be suitable for mountain streams, so it had to be 5ft or shorter and have a collapsed length of 55cm or less for easy transport as carry-on luggage on planes. I made it as a 3-piece rod.


Here's a list of the materials needed to build the rod:

  1. Tr6509 (Purchased directly from Magnum Craft): 9,900 yen
  2. Trout Grip Kit (TRS-UP200GM): 5,940 yen
  3. Aluminum Sheet Ring (ALR23-18, Gunmetal): 660 yen
  4. Winding Check (WCA-07, Gunmetal): 693 yen
  5. Hook Keeper (HKS-G): 187 yen
  6. Top Guide (T-KGST4 0.7-2.2mm): 1,375 yen
  7. Tip Guides (T-KTSG4): 660 yen each (x3)
  8. Belly Guide (T-KTSG 5.5J): 455 yen
  9. Choke Guide (T-KTSG 10S): 735 yen
  10. Butt Guide (T-KLSG 16J): 1,120 yen
  11. Carbon Solid (used only one): 293 yen (total for 5: 1,464 yen)
  12. Aurora Red Thread (Malachite): 803 yen
  13. Metallic Gold Thread (Gold A): 803 yen
  14. Metallic Black Thread (Black C): 803 yen
  15. Octopus Thread (1 mm): 196 yen
  16. Epoxy Adhesive (Bond Quick 30): 645 yen
  17. Metal Lock: 822 yen
  18. Epoxy Coating (JUC-50): 2,420 yen
  19. Thinner (JUS-100): 770 yen

Total cost: 30,598 yen


However, some of these materials (items 12-19) were not fully used up, so deducting 7,260 yen for those, the actual cost for building the rod comes to 23,338 yen.


Considering that I split the 4,400 yen shipping fee equally among the three blanks I purchased (including the B-grade blanks), the effective cost for this rod build is around 24,805 yen.


Now, whether this is considered expensive or cheap depends on perspective. Personally, I don't find it overly expensive or cheap. 


The value of being able to create a rod with the exact specifications I wanted (3-piece, 5ft or shorter) is priceless. Comparing it to similarly equipped commercially available rods, they would cost at least 30,000 yen, and some even go up to 50,000 yen. So, in that sense, I can convince myself it's a good deal.


If we average out the cost of the B-grade blanks (2 for 3,600 yen), it would be around 5,700 yen per rod, and the cost would be 20,605 yen. If we sacrifice some appearance and functionality by removing the winding check, aluminum ring, and hook keeper (not essential), it would bring the cost down by 1,540 yen, making it 19,065 yen. If I base the cost on the standard price of Tr6509, it would be 23,265 yen.


In my previous rod builds, I have sold them to acquaintances and students, charging only the actual cost. By using B-grade blanks (3,600 yen), and high-end Torzite and titanium guides, and adding various winding checks to make it look more luxurious, the cost would range from 16,000 to 18,000 yen. 


So, in this case, the Trout Grip has a significant impact on the cost. If I base it on a cheaper DPS reel seat, the cost for the trout rod would be around 18,000 yen.


Additionally, I would like to summarize the costs of the tools I used for this rod build:


  1. Deburring file (used for blank cutting): 440 yen
  2. Utility knife (used for cutting cork and thread): 110 yen (purchased at a 100 yen store)
  3. Masking tape: 110 yen (purchased at a 100 yen store, might be cheaper at a hardware store)
  4. White marker: 110 yen (purchased at a 100 yen store)
  5. Flat brush (used for epoxy coating): 110 yen (purchased at a 100 yen store)
  6. Clear cup (used as a container for epoxy coating agent): 588 yen (purchased at a hardware store)
  7. Digital caliper (used for measurement): 510 yen
  8. Rod dryer (finishing motor): 7,424 yen
  9. Diamond sharpener (used for guide trimming, etc.): 110 yen (purchased at a 100 yen store)
  10. Sandpaper (80, 240, 400, 800, 1500, 2000, 4000 grit) - 1 sheet each, around 80 yen per sheet?: 560 yen
  11. Compound (used for mirror finishing): 1,010 yen
  12. Electric drill (used for ferrule processing): around 5,000 yen
  13. Nail remover (non-acetone) (used for wiping off excess adhesive and cleaning brushes): 110 yen (purchased at a 100 yen store)
  14. Polyethylene gloves (used to protect fingers from epoxy): 110 yen (purchased at a 100 yen store)
  15. Alcohol lamp (used for epoxy coating): 626 yen
  16. Alcohol fuel (used for epoxy coating and cleaning brushes): 293 yen
  17. Mini needle-nose pliers (used for trimming guides): 110 yen (purchased at a 100 yen store)

The total for the tools used amounts to 17,331 yen. 


Adding this to the total cost for everything apart from the rod(7260yen) will be 24,591 yen. If I were to build 10 rods in the future (requiring additional purchases of adhesive and epoxy though), the cost per rod would be around 2,459 yen.


What I want to emphasize is that rod building can be a rabbit hole. If you're only planning to build one rod, considering the initial investment, it might not be cost-effective compared to purchasing a high-end commercially available rod. It would be best to make at least five rods (as the costs excluding the rod average to around 5,000 yen per rod). In my case, this is my 16th custom rod, so the initial investment has been diluted to about 1,600 yen per rod.


For those who might want to start rod building, this information could act as either a deterrent or an encouragement. Making your own rod and using it for fishing is an immensely enjoyable experience. 😄"