⑩渓流用ロッド、ガイドのスレッド巻/Wrapping the guide thread | ミンバのロドビフ記録





















Now that I had decided on the mounting position for the guide in the previous steps, this time I worked on securing the guide with thread.


First, I marked the position where the guide will be attached using masking tape. Then, before fixing the guide with thread, some preparation was needed. 


We need to file down the feet of the guide with a file. I'm using a 100 yen diamond sharpener that I bought from Daiso. It comes with a handle and a wide filing surface, making it very easy to use.


To protect the guide ring from getting scratched, I'm using a mini radio pliers (also bought from Daiso, hooray for 100 yen shops!) covered with masking tape. I grip the guide ring firmly and gently apply the file to the feet of the guide.


Different people may choose to file down the guide in various ways, shortening it for weight reduction or making it very thin and straight for aesthetic purposes. However, my goal is simply to create enough texture on the surface side of the feet (where the thread will sit) to improve the grip of the thread. I don't go as far as extensively filing it down. In the past, I tried to wrap the thread without filing the guide at all, but the smooth surface caused the thread to slip along the curved feet, making it impossible to wrap properly. So, I believe filing is necessary, but I don't feel the need to make it extremely sharp. I do a rough job, just enough to create some texture.


When attaching the guide, I temporarily fix it with thin strips of masking tape. The key is to leave the tip of the feet exposed, so we can wrap the thread directly onto them. I used to use hot glue for attaching the guides, but I found that masking tape provides a stronger hold and makes the whole process much easier.


Now, as shown in the above picture, I added an accent with five to six wraps of gold-colored thread before using malachite green thread as the main wrap to complete the job. I didn't take progress pictures, so here's the finished product right away.


Since it's a 3-piece rod and the third section (the grip section) doesn't have any guides, the process was quite easy. Also, aligning the guides in a straight line was straightforward, with only two and five guides to align. This made the job much more manageable compared to a one-piece rod.


As for the colors, before coating the thread, it appeared quite flashy. But I'm sure that applying epoxy will tone down the colors a bit, so we'll have to wait and see how it turns out.