⑨渓流用ロッド:ガイド位置/Position of guides | ミンバのロドビフ記録
















































トップー9.5cmー11.5cmー13cmー14cm(ベリーガイド)ー19 cmー23 cm(バットガイド)






I have completed winding the threads for all the guides except for the guide I'm going to write about this time, which is the positioning of the guide.


First, here are the guides I purchased this time:

From left to right: 

T-KGST4 (top guide) 

T-KTSG4 x 3 

T-KTSG 5.5J 




I understand that for those who are not familiar with rod building, the numbers and model names may be confusing. The number indicates the size of the hole, and that's the main information you need to know.


The Fuji guides I purchased are considered as second high-end, with titanium frames and SiC (Silicon Carbide) rings. By the way, the highest-end guides would have Torzite rings, which are made of a type of ceramic material.


I chose SiC mainly because it was more affordable (Magnum Craft had guides from size 5.5 to 16 in SiC). To further reduce the cost, I could have used stainless steel frames, but I didn't want to use heavy stainless steel guides on a lightweight mountain stream rod. SiC is still widely used in high-end commercial rods, so although it is the second most expensive option, performance-wise, it is excellent and would be difficult for a beginner to notice the difference with the ones with Torzite.


I debated the total number of guides to use but decided to go with 7, based on similar commercially available mountain stream rods of the same length.


For the guide diameter, I chose slightly larger sizes (although I'm not familiar with the standard sizes for mountain stream rods).


It seems that in mountain stream fishing, considering line wear, the PE line used is much thicker than what is used for ajing fishing (ajing lines are typically around 0.08-0.25 size, and I use 0.1 size). For the Torzite guides used in ajing fishing were size of 3 (equivalent to 3.5 size in SiC), it would seem that I needed a larger size for mountain stream fishing. Therefore, I chose size 4 for the guide closest to the rod handle and size 16 for the butt guide.


Now, let's talk about the positioning of these guides. I generally follow Fuji's guide spacing recommendations.


First, set up the reel and use masking tape to fix the line so that it extends from the center of the spool. Extend the line along the centerline of the spool and fix it where it touches the blank.


With the line fixed in this position, align the butt guide (the largest guide closest to the handle) along the blank and set its position where the line hits the middle of the guide.


However, the guides I purchased this time are the type with shorter legs, and following the aforementioned protocol would have positioned the guide too close to the rod tip. So, I placed it in a position where the line barely touches the guide. 


Since I only use PE lines, I expect the PE lines to be flexible enough to move through the butt guide. Perhaps I should have chosen the T-KLSG-H16 guide with longer legs, but well, I won't know for sure until I build and test the rod.


Once the position of the butt guide is determined, measure the distance from the rod tip. In this case, it was 90cm. Next, place the belly guide (size 5.5 guide in this case) at half that distance, 45cm from the tip.


Next, align the butt guide and belly guide in a straight line and place a guide (size 10 in this case) in a natural position along that line. This determines the positions of four guides, including the tip guide. Three more guides remain.


Between the tip guide and the belly guide, the 3  guides will be placed gradually wider apart while maintaining the line in a straight line. 


I usually use Excel to calculate the values and decide on the positions. I input random values for the gaps between each guide, and for example, if the total is 45cm, I calculate something like 9 + 10 + 11.5 + 14.5 = 45. Then I temporarily secure the guides with masking tape according to those values.


Then, I actually thread the line through the guides, bend it, and make adjustments to the guide positions while checking the rod's bending. This part is mostly based on intuition. I adjust the guide positions to make it feel natural when the rod is bending the most.


The above photo shows the rod with the guide positions adjusted. It has a pretty regular taper, as expected. The positions of the belly guide and butt guide have also changed, and I decided to position the guides as follows:


Tip - 9.5cm - 11.5cm - 13cm - 14cm (belly guide) - 19cm - 23cm (butt guide)

By the way, these measurements are taken from the top of the guide foot as a measuring point (the tip guide is measured from the top of the guide ring to the top of the second guide foot).


I apologize for the lengthy explanation that seems to be going nowhere. I'll stop here for today.