ペンギン基礎知識 -その12- | とりのアメブロ



【ペンギン基礎知識 -その12-】
< Basic informations about Penguins No.12 >










日本では先述の葛西臨海水族園の他、長崎ペンギン水族館、南紀白浜アドベンチャーワールド、仙台うみの杜水族館で見ることができます。おすすめ観察園館は葛西臨海水族園です♪ ぜひ、一度ご覧ください~。

Good evening, this is Tori's writing.


The twelfth basic information of penguins is about Fairy (Little) Penguins.

< Fairy Penguins >


Fairy Penguins are the smallest species of eighteen species of penguins in the world.

At Tokyo Sea Life Park, where the most numbers of them are kept in Japan, many visitors call them "Baby Penguins", but it is not true. :-) When keepers feed them, they announce that they are NOT baby penguins, they are completely ADULTS. :-D

Well, as for wild Fairy Penguins, they live in Australia and New Zealand, but as they are small, there are many wild enemies. In addition, while they move in midnight, they are often killed by traffice accidents, so, they are now decreasing. I hope traffic accidents may decrease in any way.


In Japan, we can see them in Tokyo Sea Life Park, Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, Wakayama Adventure World and Sendai Umino-Mori Aquarium. My best favorite Aquarium is Tokyo Sea Life Park! If possible, please visit there!


【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo


< A Fairy Penguin at Tokyo Sea Life Park on December 10, 2017. The exhibition is very nice and it lookd like wild environment! >