ペンギン基礎知識 -おさらい- | とりのアメブロ



【ペンギン基礎知識 -おさらい-】
< Summary of basic informations about Penguins >




その1 キングペンギン(オウサマペンギン)

その2 ジェンツーペンギン

その3 ミナミイワトビペンギン

その4 フンボルトペンギン

その5 エンペラーペンギン(コウテイペンギン)

その6 アデリーペンギン

その7 ヒゲペンギン

その8 ケープペンギン

その9 マゼランペンギン

その10 キタイワトビペンギン

その11 マカロニペンギン

その12 フェアリーペンギン(コガタペンギン)








さて、来週以降ですが、私が過去に訪問した園館の紹介をしていきます! せっかく北海道に来たので、某ラジオ番組(Twitterで知り合いの方にはバレてますね(^^;))で宣言した通り、全道の動物園、水族館(日本動物園水族館協会加盟の9カ所)も回りますので、その模様ももちろん書く予定です♪




Good evening, this is Tori's writing.


Today I will write about the summary of basic informations about Penguins (From No.1 to No.12) and about the future of this blog.


No.1 King Penguin

No.2 Gentoo Penguin

No.3 Southern Rockhopper Penguin

No.4 Humboldt Penguin

No.5 Emperor Penguin

No.6 Adelie Penguin

No.7 Chinstrap Penguin

No.8 African Penguin

No.9 Magellanic Penguin

No.10 Northern Rockhopper Penguin

No.11 Macaroni Penguin

No.12 Fairy (Little) Penguin

Now I finish writing the basic informations about Penguins, thnak you very much for you to read these informations!

Well, if you say, "Aren't you going to write about another six species!?", your point is true.

Six species I didn't introduce were Yellow-Eyed Penguin,

Erect-crested Penguin, Snares Penguin, Fiordland Penguin, Royal Penguin and Galapagos Penguin and they are not kept in Japan and I haven't seen them before, so I don't have informations and photos of them, so I can't write about them, I'm sorry!!


By the way, from next week, I will introduce zoos and aquariums I've visited before in this blog!I live in Hokkaido now, so I will also introduce every nine zoos and aquariums in Hokkaido that belong to JAZA (Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums), as I posted my declaration on the radio program!!


Please continue following me on this blog, thank you very much!!


【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo


< A juvenile King Penguin at Asahiyama Zoo on April 8, 2018. We can't call him/her 'Chick'! :-) >