今日の訪問地-その14- -The 14th visiting place in 2017 | とりのアメブロ




今日は長崎ペンギン水族館を訪問してきました!! 帰りのバスが交通事故による通行止めで「危うくとりさん」になったものの(10分遅延:バスは30分以上の場合カウントします)、それ以外は交通機関も順調、天気は快晴、と楽しい1日となりました!



昨日、今日の楽しい思い出とペンギンパワーで今週も頑張ります! 佐世保と長崎でお世話になったみなさん、本当にありがとうございました!

Good evening, this is Tori's writing.

Today I visited Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium!! On my way to Nagasaki station, the bus I took was delayed ten minutes due to a traffic accident, but except it, everything went well, including a weather condition (Perfectly fine), so I could enjoy visiting there!

The reason why I visited Nagasaki Prefecture this time was to receive an item that I ordered before at Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium!

I could recieve it safely and I enjoyed all events at the aquarium. At a Parade of King Penguins, a Gentoo Penguin also joined with them, so I was completely satisfied with this event!

I will be able to do my best in this week as every person and penguin gave me power! Thank you very much for everyone who was very kind to me in Sasebo and Nagasaki Cities!

【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo


< King Penguins at Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium on April 23. It was very fine in the aquarium as you see! >