今日の訪問地-その13- -The 13th visiting place in 2017 | とりのアメブロ




今日は2年4か月ぶりに長崎県佐世保市の九十九島動植物園・森きららを訪問してきました♪ すごくいい動植物園なのにすっかりご無沙汰していました(^_^;)。

前回訪問時も紹介させていただいたと思うのですが、ここのペンギンプールがすごいんです! 天井が全面水槽~♪


森きららは動物園としての規模は小さいかもしれませんが、ペンギン以外の展示にも工夫が随所に見られ、行って損することのない動物園だと私は思っています! そして、何よりもうれしいのはスタッフの方の笑顔とさまざまな前向きな改善活動!! 充実していることが会話から伝わってきます! 究極はペンギンのハズバンダリートレーニング(^o^)。これにつきましてはまた改めて~。



Good evening, this is Tori's writing.

Today I visited Kujukushima Zoo and Botanical Garden after two years and four months interval! Though this zoo is very wonderful, too long time has passed since I visited there.

When I visited there before, I wrote that the penguin pool in this zoo was very nice! All roof of this pool is clear!

In addition, when penguins walk at the place where water depth is 5cm, we can watch opposite side of their feet, so for penguin lovers, this pool is very enjoyable! :-D

Some people feel this zoo is not wide, but not only penguins' exhibition but otheranimals' one is ideal, so I think we can enjoy visiting here! And I am specially happy because all staffs are smiling and they are going to change many environments for animals positively!! The activities may seem very useful from their conversations! The best activity is a husbandry training for penguins. :-D I will write about this again!

And......at night, I met a person who studied at the workshop 'Dare-Choko' and now lives in Sasebo City. I could enjoy eating dinner with him. Thank you very much for delicious food and happy time!!

Tomorrow I will visit Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium!

【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo


< Humboldt Penguins at Kujukushima Zoo and Botanical Garden on April 22. There is a chick!! >