今日の訪問地-その24- The 24th visiting place in 2015 | とりのアメブロ



こんばんは、とりです。今日は閉館まで1か月を切ったマリンピア松島水族館を訪問してきました。大阪からは初の訪問となったペンギン仲間・Aさんや、関東からはいつものペンギン仲間・Sさんやペンギン会議でお世話になっているHさんも来館され、マリンピアクラブのイベントを楽しんできました♪ 獣医師のTさんをはじめ、多くのスタッフのみなさんとお話しでき、充実した訪問となりました。本当にありがとうございました!


「とりさん、つついたんでしょ!? だめだよ~」



Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Today I visited Marinepia Matsushima Aquarium that will close in under one month. My friend of penguin Ms.A from Osaka prefecture, Ms.S who often acts with me and Ms.H who takes care of me in Penguin Conference Japan have visited the aquarium and we enjoyed an event which is held by Marinepia Club! We could talk with veterinarian Mr.T and many keepers, so we studied many things. Thank you very much!!

By the way, in this morning, a pole which supports overhead wiring between Kanda and Akihabara station fell down and this made a big ACCIDENT. Then, members of Marinepia Club said to me......

"Tori, didn't you pick the pole!? You MUST NOT do it. :-)"
"No matter how far you are, you can stop trains."
"I was afraid that anything wrong would happen."

Well......:-) When it was 6:10 a.m., I was still in my house...... :-)

I stop writing about this topic (Including jokes!), the next time I will visit the aquarium is May 10 that is the day of the aquarium closing, but if possible, I may visit once more. Whatever will happen, the aquarium will close on May 10. I'm going to act sufficiently not to repent!


< King Penguin Ao at Marinepia Matsushima Aquarium on April 12. When I will visit next time, he will be beautiful, so I'm looking forward to seeing him again!! >