4年1ヶ月が過ぎて・・・ -Forty-nine months have passed | とりのアメブロ







Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Forty-nine months have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake. I feel that not only HARD but also HEART are needed to reconstruction, I mean, care these days.

Last day, when I attended the practice in Odawara, I talked about the earthquake with a member who came from Sendai city. He often visits Soma city in Fukushima Prefecture, but I haven't visited there yet.

At the Charity Concert held by Mulberry Chamber Choir and Odawara Children's Choir in Christmas, some of donations from audiences are sent to orphans in Soma and Futaba areas. I want not only to donate but to visit there.

Tomorrow I will visit Marinepia Matsushima Aquarium. Less than one month is left. I'm looking forward to seeing penguins and all staffs again!!


< King Penguins and a Humboldt Penguin at Tokyo Sea Life Park on April 3. King Penguins love to act together! >