未経験♪ -Not experienced! | とりのアメブロ




シカと衝突 -Deer Collision-

北海道では動物と列車が衝突することは珍しくありませんが、小田急線でもあるとは(^^;)。新松田~渋沢駅間に鹿が出るんですね・・・(^^;;)。ちなみに、先日は山形新幹線が「カモシカと衝突(Antelope Collision)」で遅延していました。

幸い、これらの理由で列車が遅れたことはまだありません~♪ どうか、この先も起きませんように(^-^)/

Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Yesterday, when I was getting on the Keihin-Tohoku line train, I saw a strange train information. The Odakyu line trains were delay and its reason was below:

-Deer Collision-

In Hokkaido, it is not rare to see an accident which trains hit animals, but I didn't think that I can see it on the Odakyu line. :| Deer appear between Shin-Matsuda and Shibusawa station. :-) By the way, the Yamagata Shinkansen delayed last day due to an accident which trains hit an antelope.

Fortunately, I haven't had such ACCIDENT yet! :D I hope I will never have it!


< The Hunboldt Penguins at Tokyo Sea Life Park on October 4. It looks safe in water, but in the nature, penguins are hurt due to being caught by fishing net. :< >