良い習慣♪ -A good custom! | とりのアメブロ



こんばんは、とりです。今日はマルベリーチェンバークワイアの練習で小田原に行ってきました。練習会場に向かうとき、小田原少年少女合唱隊のメンバーとすれ違います。ほとんどの人が「こんにちは!」と元気に挨拶してくれます♪ 嬉しいですね~。




でもでも、挨拶ができるのは非常に素敵なこと! これからもぜひ続けていってもらい、明るい日本の未来を担ってほしいと思います!!

Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Today I went to Odawara to join the practice of Mulberry Chamber Choir. On my way to the place for the practice, I meet members of Odawara Children's Choir. Most members say to me "Hello!". :-) I'm very happy to hear it!

But......A member who met me today gave me a special greeting!


Mr.Penguin...... :-) Many people were gazing at me at a scramble intersection near Odawara station. :-) It is a very good custom, but I was a little shy. :D

But she is very nice to greet other people! I hope she will continue doing so and play an important part for the future of Japan!!


< The Hunboldt Penguin at Tokyo Sea Life Park on October 18. It is very nice that not only children but also penguins are very fine! >