今日の訪問地-その21- Today's visiting place No.21 | とりのアメブロ



こんばんは、とりです。今日はアドベンチャーワールド訪問の2日目! 思う存分ペンギンを観察したいと意気込んでいました~。




そして、今回訪問したらキングペンギンのひながペンギン王国にいました。その数6羽!! さらに、抱卵中の個体も2羽(^_^)。う~ん、すごい~♪


6羽のひなはガラス1枚隔てたすぐそばに親子でいるので、間近で観察でき、大満足♪ なお、ひなに水がかかってはいけないので清掃できず、ガラスが汚れてしまっていましたが、それは仕方のない話。繁殖優先で全然問題ありません~(^_^)。



Good evening, this is Tori's writing. It was the 2nd day to visit Adventure World in Shirahama! I was very exciting to watch penguins!!

Yesterday I wrote there are seven species of penguins in Adventure World, but I didn't introduce the species(^_^;). So, let me introduce them!!

# Emperor Penguin : Sea Animals Museum, Penguin Kingdom 1st floor
# King Penguin : Sea Animals Museum, Penguin Kingdom
# Gentoo Penguin : Sea Animals Museum, Penguin Kingdom
# Chinstrap Penguin : Sea Animals Museum, Penguin Kingdom 1st floor
# Adelie Penguin : Sea Animals Museum, Penguin Kingdom 1st floor
# Northern Rockhopper Penguin : Sea Animals Museum, Penguin Kingdom
# Cape Penguin : Entrance Dome, Penguin Kingdom, Animal Land, Feeling Area

There are so many penguins!! You can easily understand that Adventure World is a holy place for penguin lovers!

Well, I could see King penguin's chicks over there. The number is SIX!! In addition, two penguins were incubating their eggs(^_^). Great!!

I heard that the keepers in Adventure World are controling lighting time as same as the Southern Hemisphere to moult and bleed well. This work made a successful result every year. It is very nice, I think!

I was very satisfied to be able to watch six chicks close as they were beside the glass with their parents! By the way, as chicks must not be wet, the keepers can't wash the glass and it was dirty, but it can't be avoided. It is no problem to put penguins' bleeding before cleaning a glass(^_^).

We can see King Penguins born in Adventure World in many zoos and aquariums. I hope bleeding will go well for the future.

Tomorrow I will visit Tennoji zoo and Kaiyukan aquarium, then I will go back to Saitama!


< The King Penguin's parents and chick at Adventure World on March 21. When we see parent and child of every animals, we will be healed! >