今日の訪問地-その22・23- -Today's visiting place No.22,23 | とりのアメブロ




朝、海遊館のウェブサイトでライブカメラを見てびっくり! エントランス前にものすごい人!! これは入場するのに数十分かかるのは間違いありません。春休みが始まったところなので、これは仕方ありません~。


正解は冷房室でした。4羽が仲良く涼んでいます♪ その横では飼育員さんが掃除をしています。私はお仕事の邪魔をしないように静かに観察しようと思っていたのですが。








Good evening, this is Tori's writing. It was the last day of the trip to refresh myself today. As I planed first, I visited Tennoji zoo and Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan.

In the morning, I was surprised to see the live camera on the website which displays the entrance of Kiayukan! There are so many people!! It must be taken tens of minutes to enter the aquarium. Spring vacation has started soon before, so I had no choice but to wait.

So I went to Tennoji zoo. At about 10:40 I arrived there, and then went to penguins' area. Where are King Penguins...outside or in the room with air conditioning?

The answer was in the room with air conditioning. Four King Penguins are cooling themselves happily! And beside penguins, a keeper is cleaning the room. I decided to see penguins quietly not to stop the keeper's work, but......
the keeper "...!"

The keeper found me easily though he had talked with me only one time at the general meeting of Penguin Conference Japan(^_^;).

The keeper "Hello, how are you? Why are you here now?"
Tori "I visited Adventure World in Wakayama yesterday, so I was going to visit Tennoji zoo and Kaiyukan today!"

Then I could talk with him about many themes, especially about Hunboldt Penguins and King Penguins in Tennoji zoo. Though he is not a main keeper of penguins (=he is a sub keeper), he was thinking hard about penguins. Penguins may be very happy because such a keeper is taking care of them!

I ate lunch and after 2 PM I went to Kaiyukan. There were a few people at the entrance, but the aquarium was so crowded. Although, I watched the Antarctic Area and the Falkland Area steadily (There were two King Penguins' chicks!), then I went to Saitama......Now, I am writing this blog in the Nozomi superexpress No.52 departing from Shin-Osaka station at 7:20 PM.

I could refresh myself enough, so I will be able to live without penguins......No, I can't(^_^;). I must not make a plan which I can't do at all(^^;).

Tomorrow I will visit Inokashira Park zoo where penguins' display was restarted!


< The King Penguins at Tennoji zoo on March 22. They came to the keeper as they realized it was the feeding time. They eat horse mackerels at Tennoji zoo! >