今日の訪問地-その20- Today's visiting place No.20 | とりのアメブロ



こんばんは、とりです。今日は平日ですが、職場からお休みをいただけたので、和歌山県のアドベンチャーワールドに来てしまいました! 最近、実家の用事等で気が滅入っていたので、思い切ったリフレッシュをすることに!!


さて、アドベンチャーワールドはたくさんの野生生物が飼育されています。私もいつかここは訪問したいと思っていました! 昨夜、東京駅から和歌山行きの夜行高速バスに乗り、和歌山から特急くろしお1号に乗り、JR白浜駅を降りた私。改札を出て目に入ったのは!


あれ・・・え~っと・・・私にとって、アドベンチャーワールドと言えばですね・・・な、何でしょう? まだ何にも書いていませんが・・・\(・Θ・)/


なんです~♪ 飼育員さんからも「遠いですけど、絶対後悔しないですから」と言われていた園館をついに訪問です!!

さて、アドベンチャーワールドにいるペンギンは全7種類、400羽以上!! 園内では4箇所でペンギンが飼育されています。ひゃ~!



Good evening, this is Tori's writing. It is a weekday today, but my office gave me a holiday, so I came to Adventure World in Shirahama!! I was a little tired because of my tasks about my family, so I took the plunge and decided to refresh myself greatly!!


Well, there are so many wild animals in Adventure World. I was thinking that I would like to visit there some day! I took the midnight highway bus for Wakayama last night, then I took the limited express Kuroshio 1 and I arrived at Shirahama station. At the gate, I saw......!

A soft toy of Giant Panda and a panel "Giant Panda Town Shirahama"......(^_^;)

Well......Mm......As for me, when I talk about Adventure World, it is a ......What? I haven't written anything at all......\(・Θ・)/


I was told to come here by the penguins' keepers since I took part in Penguin Conference Japan. They said I would never regret to visit here!! Today, I could come here!!

Well, there are seven species of penguins and more than four hundred penguins are here!!! We can see them at four areas. Wow!!

Today I could contact a King penguin for the first time. The King penguin was No.334. She was a female penguin. Fortunately(?), as it was a bad weather, there were few people to contact her, so I could contact her so much.

It is a holiday tomorrow, so there is not an event to contact a King penguin. It will be fine tomorrow, so I will look around the park!!

【今日(2014年3月20日(木))、アドベンチャーワールドで撮ったキングペンギンの334番さんです。彼女のおかげで私が今まで疑問に感じていたキングペンギンの体の謎を全部解決できました! ありがとう~♪】

< The King penguin No.334 at Adventure World in Shirahama on March 20. As I could contact her, I could solve my questions about King penguins!! Thank you very much!! >