Iceland - Day 2nd and 3rd | Hello Northern Lights

Hello Northern Lights

25 year old Japanese girl in Tokio. Currently working in investment banking and graduated from Waseda University. Nice to meet you here:)

OK, we were leaving for west Iceland. After just 30mins drove from Reykjavik, we saw the beautiful counryside.

I stayed at Shirokumasan's papa's house at night.

The parents were so nice to me! I had grouse which was special just around Christmas.

Also, since they knew I loved fish and seafood, they offered me a very special lobsterにひひ

They are very good at cooking and they enjoyed cooking together so much.

Plus i found that icelandic are very found of chocolate!

everyone eat chocolate all the time! it was funny but because of it, icelandic chocolate was very delicious!


I experienced climbed the small mountain and they showed me a very nice waterfall.

Then we left for next destination. The place was summer house owned by Shirokumasan's brother.

The house was not so huge but the wall is largely made of window. The layout is very scandinavian and I liked it! We could see the amazing view around large lake in Iceland.

This was the view in the morning from summer house.

This marvolous waterfall is called Barnafossar. Barnafoss is near Hraunfossar which burst out of Hallmundarhraun which is a great lava plain. Barnafoss is on the river Hvita in Borgarfjordur. Hraunfossar flows out of a lava field , it created a stunning scenery!!

Nice counryside, nice dinner, cozy summer house, kind shirokumasan's parents-those are the building blocks of a meaningful day.