Iceland Day 3rd | Hello Northern Lights

Hello Northern Lights

25 year old Japanese girl in Tokio. Currently working in investment banking and graduated from Waseda University. Nice to meet you here:)

We finally ventured back into nature to cover the popular Gorlden Circle path after meeting up with many people!


the original site of parliamentary assembly and proceedings established in 930, and what is today a national park.

Next, we went to Geysir!

It was so funny that to see the eruption. It is the first geyser ever described in a printed source and the earliest geyser known to Europeans. The name is related to Crystal Gayserクラッカー

the eruptions was infrequent but I saw the one! It was amazing to see the steamed water coming from under the earth and water was going up till 70 meters! To my surprise, I could not take picture.

This is before eruption.

The final stop on our nature crawl was Gullfoss. It was massive waterfall.

The hugeness is clearer when you put us in front of the falls.

It was so freezing at that time around 4pm that we couldn't stand up.

So we left there just after staying 5minutes there.

Then it was back to long way which is full of nothingness as we returned to Reykjavik.

We're hungry!