絶品の刀削麺♪横浜中華街の隠れた名店⁉️ | 50過ぎたらあそび中心で【終活】♪人生後半を豊かに楽しく健やかに~



Yesterday, I went to Yokohama Kannai to preview the property I was planning to request.
I usually go by train, but it feels fresh when it's a train.

Needless to say, it is the home of the famous Yokohama Bay Stars.


Wow! I didn't know the station was supposed to be like this.




Yokohama Stadium in Yokohama Park. The hot fights of professional baseball are repeated here, but in fact, the final of the Kanagawa tournament of high school baseball is also held here.




To go to Chinatown, it's faster to use the next "Ishikawacho" station instead of Kannai, but since I worked before that, it's from Kannai.


横浜中華街で有名な「 関帝廟」。人少なかったなぁ滝汗


The "Kanteibyou" famous in Yokohama Chinatown. There were few people.


お仕事終えて、今回行こうと思っていたお店、「中華第一家 杜記」へ。おひとり様でも入りやすいっていうことと、刀削麺の口コミが良かったので選びましたウインク

After finishing my work, I went to "中華第一家 杜記", the store I was thinking of going this time. I chose it because it was easy for one person to enter and the word of mouth sword noodles was good.




The door of the store is open, and when you enter the store, there is a disinfectant solution and fans here and there, and it is also ventilated for peace of mind.



Order the sword noodles you are looking for. The one on board is Pakchi. Those who are not good at Pakchi can change to green vegetables.



This popular "beef sword cut noodles" is said to be beef that has been mixed with 10 or more types of spices such as sourness, bitterness, sweetness and spiciness and slowly cooked for 4 hours, with a soft and delicious taste.



It's delicious! But it's spicy! I was glad that I was seated next to the fan at the counter



It is a picture hanging on the wall. I wonder if I used to put it on my head and sharpen it?

Please stay at our airbnb and try to eat sword noodles.