英作文トピック  地球温暖化 






Solutions to climate change    


Climate Change Solutions

Solutions for Climate Change
Ways to curb 抑える climate change
How to slow 減速させる climate change
Simple ways to act on ~に影響を与える 

climate change
We can prevent 防ぐ climate change by 

using more wind and solar energy.
How you can stop global warming

Things you can do to help stop 

global warming

How we can minimise 最小限にする 

future warming 
How to mitigate 和らげる climate change
Climate change can be mitigated 和らげる 

by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  
Future warming can be reduced by 減らせる 

lowering greenhouse gas emissions. 

combat climate change 

deal with climate change 

tackle climate change

fight climate change


How to reduce carbon dioxide emissions 

How you can help reduce greenhouse gas 

emissions at home  家でできることは?


① 節電
Save electricity 節電する by turning off 

lights when you leave a room.

Turn off 消す your television, video player,

and computer when you're not using them.
Turn down 下げる the heat and keep 

temperatures moderate at all times. 

Make sure to turn off Electronic Devices.
Use Less Air Conditioning.   


② 節水
Turn off 止める the water when you're not 

using it. 

Take shorter showers.

Turn off the tap 蛇口を閉める while washing 

your hands and brushing your teeth.



③ 食事
Eat less meat.
Avoid避ける eating meat and dairy products. 

Eat more meat-free meals.

Don’t waste food.
Grow your own food.
Avoid wasting food.
Reduce減らす meat and dairy consumption.
Buy local 地元の goods and products 

whenever possible.
Buying locally can save thousands of pounds 

of CO2 that are emitted by shipping and 

transporting of goods made overseas. 



④ ファッション
The clothing sector 部門 represents around 

3% of the world’s global production 

emissions of CO2. 
Avoid 避ける fast fashion.

Try not to buy more than you need.
Shop around for second-hand 古着 or 

quality items that last a long time.
Repair直す and reuse 再利用する clothes.
Give unwanted clothes to charity. 
Buy second hand clothes.古着



⑤ 交通手段   
Choose more efficient vehicles.
Reduce 減らす car use.

Switch to ~に切り替える electric vehicles.

Minimise 最小限にする plane travel. 
Cutting down on ~を減らす long-distance 

travel 長距離移動 will help stop climate change.
Hybrids and fully electric vehicles, save 

fuel and money. 
Create more sustainable 持続可能な 

環境を壊さず利用可能な transportation 

Switch to ~に切り替える sustainable 

Walk and bike to your destination 行先 

whenever possible.
If you need to fly for work, consider using 

video-conferencing instead. 
Get out of your car and walk, bike, run, 

and move yourself !
Taking public transportation 公共交通機関 

to work is a great way to cut out 断つ 

Riding your bike to work is helpful to the 

environment and is a good way to get 

Instead of getting in the car, walk or cycle. 



⑥ 植物を育てる

Trees and other plants absorb carbon 


and give off 出す、発する oxygen 酸素. 
Trees absorb carbon dioxide 〔植物などが〕

二酸化炭素を吸収する and are associated 

with~と関連している lower levels of 

air pollution.
Help mitigate 和らげる climate change by 

planting trees.

Planting a tree is a crucial 重要な way to 

slow climate change



⑦ 再生可能なエネルギー源



renewable energy  再生可能エネルギー 

sustainable energy 持続可能なエネルギー
clean energy クリーンエネルギー 


Invest in にお金を使う renewable energy. 

Switch to ~に切り替える renewable energy.

Changing our main energy sources to clean

 and renewable energy is the best way to 

stop using fossil fuels. 

Using technologies like solar, wind, wave, 

tidal and geothermal power will help stop 

climate change.
Switch to ~に切り替える renewable 

sources of energy, such as solar and 

wind energy to power our homes. 
Encourage the use of ~の利用を促進する 

renewable energies.


