2003年頃にニュージーランドのダニーデンで合気道の稽古をした動画です | 田舎の鍵師(キーセンターくわな)・Wikipedia(不可思議探偵団の鍵師欄に)


2010年開始・4回連続出演 以後現在に至る金庫シリーズの始まり










それは2003年頃だったと思うのですが、日本で一緒に合気道をしていた友人(NZ出身のRoger Bell)から一度ニュージランドに来ないかとお誘いを受けて訪ねることにしました。












田舎の鍵師 うたづ合氣道倶楽部希の会主宰 合気会五段 桑名隆


I started Aikido the year after I started going to the US. I was 43 years old. I don't have any athletic experience, but I continued to practice hard and now teach students at my dojo, so I think it is very important to continue.

As a matter of fact, a week ago, I found a video that I had missed. The video was a record of my first visit to NZ. It was very nostalgic and I remembered many things while editing it.

I think it was around 2003, when a friend of mine (Roger Bell from NZ), who I used to do Aikido with in Japan, asked me to come to New Zealand once and I decided to visit.
This video is an excerpt of the aikido part from the recording and posted on YouTube.

It is just me doing aikido, but there is a scene where I am teaching at a local dojo, speaking only a little English. I am ashamed to say that my English is terrible, and I can't show it to you, but if you are interested, I would appreciate it if you could watch it. I'm glad I kept this kind of record.

A friend of mine in NZ was an English teacher at a Japanese high school and also studied Aikido, so he was very fluent in Japanese. I am grateful to him for his help in getting through to me in English in the dojo.
If he hadn't spoken Japanese, I would have tried my best to speak only in English, but that could have led to a terrible situation.

Watching the video, I was amazed at how young and vivacious I was. The video is about 19 minutes long, so please feel free to watch it.

Takashi Kuwana, 5-dan Aikikai, leader of Utazu Aikido Club Ki no Kai,

(I used DeepL to translate for my Japanese sentences.)