Going to Haight-Ashbury Part 1 | Kei Funkdom

Kei Funkdom

Living for this City = music,book,movie,art,booze,connection,and......




このホステルは昔は有名な高級ナイトクラブだったそうだ。食堂の端にある豪奢なステージには、フランク・シナトラ、デューク・エリントン、マーロン・ブランド等が立っていたらしい。また1959年には、ビートの王者ジャック・ケルアックを讃えるイベントがここで開催された。その際に写真家ロバート・フランクが監督したビート映画「Pull My Daisy」のプレミア上映も行われたのだが、主役のケルアックは、ぼさぼさの髪と粗末な服装で現れたせいで、彼を見咎めたドアマンに入場を一旦拒否されたらしい。

























May 2, 2013
In the morning, I wake up on a bunk bed in a hostel. Looking at my watch, it was 7:30. The sun is shining through the gaps in the curtains.
It seems that the young guest in the same room has already left.
After taking a shower, I go to the cafeteria on the first floor and drink coffee.
After returning to Japan, I found out that this hostel used to be a famous high-end nightclub. That's why the stage remains at the end of this large dining room. Starring Frank Sinatra, Duke Ellington and Marlon Brando. In addition, there is an anecdote that when Jack Kerouac was invited to the premiere of a movie he was involved in, he was refused entry because the doorman did not recognize him as Kerouac because of his dirty clothes.

When I went to return the coffee cup to the kitchen, a tall Scandinavian blond beauty who passed by smiled at me. This is a good omen. I go back to my room, pack my backpack and go outside. I want to spend today at Haight Ashbury.

The spring breeze that blows on Broadway feels good. It looks like it's going to be hot again today.
I went downhill and arrived at Montgomery Station. Take the BART and get off at Powell Station.
And I buy a Coke from the friendly Latino guy at the juice stand in Union Square and ask where the bus to Haight-Ashbury is. "It's number 71! Have a nice day!" he said cheerfully.

About 10 people are already lined up at the bus stop. After waiting for 10 minutes, the bus came. The driver is a fat middle-aged brother. If I put $3 into the dispenser next to the driver's seat, it will spit out a slippery paper ticket. The bus was crowded, but I managed to find an empty seat and sat down.

A bus starts running, heading west on Market Street. Because the road is bumpy, the bus body shakes profusely and windows are extremely dirty. 

Looking at the lineup in the bus, it was a wonderfully miscellaneous combination. Caucasians, blacks, Latinos, local housewives, young men and women, old men and women, tourists who like me, seemed to have high expectations for what would happen today. Every time the bus stopped at a stop, a few people got on and the bus quickly became jam-packed. My heart fluttered as I gazed out at the bustling yet dingy Market Street scene.

After passing Fillmore and entering Haight Street, the scenery changed. 

On either side of the road, there are many two-story Victorian apartments with colorful exteriors. It's a painted lady. Beyond the gentle hills, I can see the green mountains. I got off the bus in a district called Masonic. Tourists also get off at the same time. The wide pavement on either side of the two-lane road is lined with a variety of local shops with colorful signs. I finally arrived at the holy land.


At first, I went into Rasputin Records, which had just opened. As a crime prevention measure, it is a system where you leave your bag with the store clerk at the entrance. I flip through the sleeves of the huge number of vinyl records on the shelves one after another. 

After going through the rock, soul, and jazz corners, I found that although there are no rare records here, there are plenty of classic rock albums, and my favorite 60's rock classics are cheap. In the store, Japanese ambient techno is playing. I was in the store for about 30 minutes and bought a few albums. The Rascals, The Association, Spanky & Our Gang. And when I asked the cashier where Amoeba Records was, he said, "It's close. It's four blocks away."

I was hungry, so I looked around for something to eat, and saw a small burrito shop, so I went in. Is it possible to use a toilet here? There was a gentle brunette lady wearing glasses. When I greeted her and said to her, "Please let me use your bathroom," she smiled and said,"Okay,"  and she led me to the bathroom behind the counter.

While I was sitting by the window eating a burrito and drinking 7-up while watching people go by, a local lady came over and started chatting with the owner lady. After I finished eating, thanked the tender lady, and started walking again.

Amoeba Records is an independent record store with a large site area. It was originally a bowling alley, so that makes sense. It must be one of record collector's dreams to see the huge stock. It was past noon, but there were many customers in the store. 

I wandered around the store for a while, rummaging through the records on the shelves.This store doesn't have many rare albums, but standard albums are cheap. They also sell music books, posters and DVDs. After looking around, my picks were compilation album of Nico, Spacemen 3 live album, and the Moody Blues first album.

The time was around 2:00. I left Amoeba Records and headed to Golden Gate Park. It is truly a hippie and flower children sanctuary. This is the park where the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, and Jimi Hendrix performed their free gigs in the late 60's, and the place where the Human Be-In, which proclaimed the prosperity of the flower movement to the world was held. In the late 60's, hippies from all over the world came to Haight-Ashbury with their own ambitions. Not only such flower children, but also famous musicians were indispensable for Haight-Ashbury pilgrimage. Such as Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Jim Morrison, The Who, Traffic, Cream... Everyone knows that the Grateful Dead and Janis Joplin lived in this neighborhood. Just thinking that I'm walking along the street where those heroes used to walk makes my heart bounce and my steps light.


Enter a large supermarket and use a restroom. I liked the green lighting in the restroom of this store. 
After buying mango juice and crossing the traffic lights, I found the entrance to the park. When I stepped into the park, I could see purple smoke everywhere, and the fragrant smell stimulated my sense of smell. Dozens of men and women with long hair are gathered on the lawn at the entrance.
Many people have dogs. And many people have bloodshot eyes. I walked past them thinking, "It's a weekday afternoon," and saw a middle-aged white man wearing a straw hat taking out a package of something from a leather bag and selling it to a young black woman. 


"Oh, I see" I said as I passed and walked up the winding path to two men and a girl sitting on the lawn in front of an old stone gate. One is an old man with a knit cap and a mustache. The other was a young man with short blond hair and a denim jacket with cut sleeves. A girl with short black hair still looks like she's only 20 years old. I impulsively stopped to say hello to them and make small talk for a moment. 
Their clothes were uniformly dingy, but they were friendly and polite.

I didn't ask about the details, but it seems that they are going to Oregon while sleeping somewhere. 
The girl asked me "Do you want to go with us?", but I politely declined her offer, and gave her three Marlboros and walked away.