Blues joint called "The Saloon" | Kei Funkdom

Kei Funkdom

Living for this City = music,book,movie,art,booze,connection,and......














やがて、4人の白人男性が低いステージに上がり、ほどなくライヴがスタートした。タイトなリズムセクションが繰り出すビートに乗って、ワークキャップにサングラス姿のギタリストがリフを弾き始める。曲はシカゴ・ブルース、たぶんジミー・リード。なんだこれは?楽器の鳴りが日本のライヴハウスとは全然違う。断然クリアーに聴こえる。バンドの腕が良いのは当然だとしても、やはり空気が乾いているからなんだろう。気が付くと、店内は既に大勢の客が詰めかけていて、カウンターも背後の壁際の席もすべて埋まっている。ステージ前に陣取って身体を揺らしている人たち、フロアでジルバを踊る若いカップル、それを眺めながらスツールに腰かけてビールを呷る酔客たち。みんな当然のようにすっかりその場に溶け込んでいる。バンドは快調にライヴを進行させ、俺も踊りたい気分になって来た。その前に酒を補給しようとカウンター内へ目をやると、たくさんの客が飲み物を求めて先ほどのバーテンダーの前に列を作っている。これほど大勢の注文を捌くのは至難の業だろう。しかし、彼は笑みを浮かべながら素早い身のこなしで次々とカクテルを作り、生ビールをグラスに注いでいる。ステージでは、黒い山高帽を被ったトム・ウェイツに似たヴォーカリストがブルースハープを吹きまくっている。一日中歩き回った疲れが吹き飛ぶような素晴らしいフレージング。フロアでは、花やキャンディーを売りに来たブロンドの小柄な女性が飛び跳ねている。ひとしきり楽しんだ様子の彼女は、フロアを通り過ぎる際に、立ち止まって俺の顔を覗き込んで微笑んだ。「You are so beautiful!」、「Thank you, you too!」俺は彼女からミントキャンディーを一つ買った。













May 2, 2013

Thursday night, 8pm. I returned to the hostel in North Beach, took a quick shower, and hit the streets again. 
I am hungry. Should I eat pizza or should I eat a hamburger?
Strolling around Little Italy, I entered a shop called "Buster's Cheesesteak" that caught my eye. I nod to the surly mustachioed Italian clerk standing in front of the register, take a look at the menu, and order the famous cheesesteak sandwich. 
It's a big sandwich with beef, cheese, lettuce, tomato, etc. sandwiched between long pieces of bread. When the clerk conveyed my order to the kitchen, a small Spanish chef who was standing by in front of the large iron plate smiled as if to say, "Leave it to me," and put the steak on the iron plate. And he using two trowel held in both hands, he cuts it into small pieces and bakes it with a dazzling feat. 
Then, in less than three minutes, the finest junk food was served in front of me sitting at the counter.

I wanted to see the live performance tonight, so I called out to the shop worker in front of me. He seems to be the owner.
“Do you know any joint around here where I can see live performances?”
"It's Thursday, isn't it? There are some joints that play it. What kind of music do you like?"
"I like rock, soul, jazz, everything."
"Then, there is a joint that plays blues, so you should go there."
"Blues? Nice! Where is that joint?"
“It's at the corner of Grant Avenue and Fresno Street.
"Then I must hurry."
I hurriedly finished the sandwich with a glass of cola, put a few coins into the big liquor bottle that put chips in, thanked the owner, and left the shop.

I decided which joint to go to tonight, but I am completely unfamiliar with the area and had no sense of direction, so I quickly lost my way. 
I should be on Green Street now. When I stopped and looked around, two young men and a woman who seemed to be local residents were standing talking, 
so I asked them, "Are there any joints around here that are doing live performances?" 
"What kind of music do you like?"
"I like rock, soul, jazz and old school music."
"Well, the saloon would be nice, it's a blues joint. It's right there."
She pointed in the direction I should be heading.
"I love the blues. Thank you very much!"

The joint was on the corner of the block where Grant Avenue and Fresno Street intersect, as the owner of the sandwich shop said. 
A few men are chatting in front of an old three-story wooden building. In front of the open door sat a small, white old man with a San Francisco Giants baseball cap 
and a thick white beard hanging down to his chest. Just like the original hippie. Apparently he is a doorman. I timidly spoke to him.
"I came to see the live, can I come in?"
He glanced at me with his clear gray eyes and said, "Come in, come in," and let me in.

When I enter the dimly lit joint, the first thing that catches my eye is the long L-shaped wooden counter. 
Beyond that, I could see a small stage with a set of guitar amps and a drum set.
I turned my eyes back to the counter and stared at the rows of whiskey bottles in the bar cabinets when the back room door opened and a skinny middle-aged white man with long hair walked in with humming. When I said, "Excuse me," he smiled and answered with a husky voice, "What do you want to drink?"
"Beer... Do you have Budweiser?"
“Unfortunately, we don’t have Budweiser, but we do have Pabst Blue Ribbon. It’s cheap, light, and tastes like Bud.”
"Then please give me that."
He uncorked the bottle and handed me the beer, saying, "Four dollars and fifty cents." I like this friendly bartender. A thin, pale face. A few creases carved into the cheeks. he may be albino. His looks reminded me of Johnny Winter.


The time turned around 9:00, and the customers gradually began to gather. I sat down at an empty seat at the counter, drank beer and took a breather and looked around again.
Soft orange light. Plaster walls soaked in nicotine. High ceiling that seems to be more than 5 meters. The sound of the sound check that can be heard from the stage. 
People who are interested in chatting with glasses in one hand. It is a pleasant noise. I felt that this place was going to be a special place for me. I can only feel a good feeling. I quickly got used to the atmosphere of this place.
This is where I should be.

Then four white men took the stage and the show started shortly after. Riding on the beat of the tight rhythm section, a guitarist wearing a work cap and sunglasses starts playing riffs. The song is Chicago blues, probably Jimmy Reed. What is this? The sounds of instruments are completely different from Japanese live joints. It sounds absolutely clear. Even if the band's performance is good, it's probably because the air is dry. 



The joint is already packed with customers, and the counter and the seats along the back wall are all occupied. People swaying their bodies in front of the stage, young couples dancing the jive on the floor, drunken people sitting on stools and drinking beer while watching the dance. Everyone naturally melts into the place. The band performed well and I felt like dancing. And when I look inside the counter, many customers are forming a line in front of the bartender. Handling such a large number of orders would be a daunting task. However, with a smile on his face, he quickly made cocktails one after another, and he is pouring draft beer into a glass.  On stage, a Tom Waits-like vocalist in a black bowler hat blasts a blues harp. A wonderful phrasing that blows away my fatigue from walking around all day. 
And I saw a little blonde woman selling flowers and candy jumps on the floor. Seemingly she having a good time, she stopped and smiled at me as she passed floor. "You are so beautiful!" "Thank you, you too!" I bought one mint candy from her.

After buying a new beer and returning to my seat, I noticed that there is a dark-skinned woman with short black hair sitting on the left side of the stage. Noticing my gaze, she smiled at me. Good vibes, feels good. I smiled back at her. And when the first half of the live ended and the vocalist announced a break, the woman stood up and walked over to me.
"I want to talk to you" "I want to talk to you too"

When we went outside, I saw about 10 people standing in the alley and chatting. 
The afterglow of the heat of the hot live drifts in the night air and disappears like smoke. 
In front of Grant Avenue, there is a constant flow of people and cars.
I talked to a woman who called herself Joanne while smoking a cigarette. She seems to live nearby. 
A sequin-studded black satin blouse and blue jeans. A crescent-shaped silver necklace that sways around her neck.
An exotic lady with white teeth and a cheerful smile. Then, suddenly, a middle-aged man in a Grateful Dead cap, who seems to be her friend, appeared and offered me a pipe.

After taking a photo with the three of them cheek-to-cheek, I heard blues licks again from inside the store. We went back inside and stepped onto the dance floor. And it was like heaven.
Different types of people stepping to bluesy backbeat. Whites, blacks, Latinos, Chinese...everyone is bathing in the blues with a look of glee on their face.
Blues is not music to listen to while frowning. Blues is dance music.Chicago blues that the band plays makes us soar to the heavens. It's like a fish in water.
As I danced across from Joanne, I surrendered myself to the beat.

As the wonderful show drew to a close, the guitarist asked the crowd in front of the stage, "Do you have any requests?" I immediately yelled, 
"Please play Jimmy Reed song!"
Then the cool guitarist with a smile behind his sunglasses said, "The Japanese guy over there requested Jimmy Reed!" 
and started playing the slow blues opening phrase.
"Bright Lights Big City". A perfect number to end a great evening. Everyone who remained on the floor began to shake and undulate their bodies. 
"You asked for it, didn't you?" said Joanne,
She take my hand and invite me to dance. Two people dancing with each other's bodies together. 
And she kissed me on the cheek. I wish I could stay here forever. I almost cried with joy.