Sep's Kids Park day!!!! | Lifehouse Tokyo Kids ライフハウス東京キッズ

Lifehouse Tokyo Kids ライフハウス東京キッズ

Lifehouse Kids is a program for children organized by Lifehouse Tokyo International church!

こんにちは、Kids Churchのユカです!!横にいるのは友達のAnnaです!Kids Englishの先生をしてるよ!先週の土曜日に、教会のKidsチームみんなで、六本木の公園へ遊びに出かけてきちゃいました!!

Hi, I am Yuka from Kids Church!!
A friend beside me is Anna! She is the teacher of Kids English! 
On last Saturday, with the team members from Kids Church we went out to the park in Roppongi! 

Kids Park Dayは、結構記事に載せているんだけど、私たちが日曜日に毎週しているKids Churchを外に持っていて元気に遊ぶベントです


We have already posted many blogs about Kids Park Day but it is an event in which we go out and have kids church just like every Sunday!

We blow bubbles, do some paintings on our hands and balloons, and have some stamp rallies! And there is a prize for them! As a part of these activities, we speak English as well! 

It was sunny so many kids and families came!

We had a "Youkaiwocchi" painting, which was too popular! I should learn how to paint characters!! 


When were were blowing bubbles and balloons most of the kids at the park came over and played with us!! They were like "wow, what is this!?"




Kids Churchだけじゃなくて、外に出て新しい友達に会うのって楽しいね

In the book of Psalm from the Bible, it says that "children are the gift from God "! We as adults try to give to them but we actually receive many smiles from them!
We want the team to go out more often and make more kids smile!
It is also fun to go outside the church and make new friends !   

次回のKids Park dayは、10/25日、13時から六本木Midtownの檜町公園です


Next coming Kids Park Day will be on 25th of October from 1 P.M. at Hinokicho Park in RWioppongi Midtown! 
Everyone feel free to come! 

We will be waiting for you!!