Regarding the comments for my blog | 【更新停止】仮面ライダーガールズ 鷲見友美ジェナ オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba

【更新停止】仮面ライダーガールズ 鷲見友美ジェナ オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba

仮面ライダーガールズ 鷲見友美ジェナ オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba

Thank you for checking my blog always. I really appreciate for your comments.
For these days, I've got received messages from some people that their comments are not reflected on the blog.
I'm currently inquiring to the K.R.G.S. staff regarding this error and they will have an announcement later soon.

I haven't get used to writing the blog yet so there might be other issues to come in the future but please keep checking my blog when you have time >
Once again, thank you for reading Tomomi Jiena Sumi's official blog!