K.R.G.S (English) | 仮面ライダーガールズ 鷲見友美ジェナ オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba

仮面ライダーガールズ 鷲見友美ジェナ オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba

仮面ライダーガールズ 鷲見友美ジェナ オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba


Good evening ♩

Today, I would like to introduce KRGS members!!


She is my buddy for going home and always listens to me and give some advices. I really rely on her.

She loves wizard!!


She has a sense of humor!! She is inspiring person, so she can brighten up the atmosphere!

Really good singer and even as dancer! When I made mistakes, she noticed right after and kindly teaches me the right steps.


She always watching over us as if a real older sister.

She has a big heart which can take anything as it is!

And she never let any jokes go flow!!


She has aura that can make people calm and relax just by being there!

She is kinda natural type and her smile is super awesome.

But when she is serious, she changes into different person. I really respect how she can turn on and off her seriousness.


She is joking around all the time, so often that you can't imagine from her dolly like eyes, and she is really good at talking back the jokes!!


She always answers my questions one by one preciously and seriously until I understand. Some people may think that she is scary but she is super kind!! She can cope with the sudden fun playing that our members do sometimes, and can joke around, too!

And she has great figure!!

I can't stop listing up actually but that's it for today!

By the way, we went to eat Gyoza with other members and Hurry-san.

It was super delicious but more than that, the time I spent with them was super fun!!!

Thank you!