ファンとイコール Satisfied Yuzu and Fans | さらさら~と徒然 Splendid Moments

さらさら~と徒然 Splendid Moments





This photo by Yaguchi too

seems to show Yaguchi's warmness toward Yuzu.







今朝は 前後編のサイトを貼り付けることで精いっぱいだったけど

ってか・・・う~ん 朝のせわしない中では 何も言葉が出てこなかった


This morning Sarah just posted the sites of

Hochi's articles of the interview to Yuzu.

Lots thoughts Sarah had but

well,,, no time to talk about it this morning.







You’ve often used the word “ideal” since the last some years of your competitive career.

It sounds like a declaration of determination that you would never give up on that.

“Why I started talking about “ideal” at the last years of my competitive career is because, well, myself, , , to be honest, I wanted to perform a certain way, but it was not evaluated as I thought.
Facing such, I have decided to shift to chasing my ideals."

You mean it was around Autumn Classic?





Probably the biggest impact happened in Autumn, Autumn 2019.
At that time, I had no choice but to reconsider that the most important thing for me was to do what I wanted to do, and not to warry about score, but to perform in a way I was aiming for.

Doing so, I felt it makes my fans happy, somewhat it satisfied me and my fans.
Since then, I’m still on the same direction, and as a professional skater, I should pursue it even more.
Since I’ve been skating for my fans, my ideals are getting higher and higher, and somewhat I have been pursuing my ideals.



オータムの採点は もう犯罪の域だったし

そして ファンもあの頃から 結弦君には得点ではなく


とは言え 本当に辛い暗黒の時代だった

そして ファンよりも誰よりも


こうして 今 結弦君の当時を振り返る言葉を読むと

その頃 既に結弦君があの世界に見切りをつけていたってことかな?

Yeah, it was the hell, 2019-20 season was.

And the scoring of Autumn Classic was almost criminal.

And not only Yuzu but we fans too,

we started ignoring scores, but

just wanting Yuzu to skater whatever he wanted to.

However, more than anyone, even we fans,

Yuzu's pain must have been immeasurable.

Recalling those day and now reading

Yuzu's comments, yeah

Yuzu might already left that dark society.








ってか 高木さんだからこそ言えた?

それだけ 結弦君とは信頼関係が構築されているんだろうな

And oh, it was because of Takagi-san,

or only Takagi-san could ask

"was it around Autumn Classic?"

She has seen everything and

maybe tried to stand by Yuzu, , , 





でもさぁ そんな暗黒の時代だったけど






However, being in such a dark society,

Yuzu has achieved the records.

Getting the golds of Skate Canada and 4CC and

the first (and probably the last) for men's single,

Yuzu has achieved the Super Slam!












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