報道の自由と選手のプライバシー  media stance | さらさら~と徒然 Splendid Moments

さらさら~と徒然 Splendid Moments





Got time to calm down, (for what?) well, again about stupid Japanese medea. . . 

yesterday, web site of FUJI TV released an article reporting about the backgroung of Worlds.







By the way, during Stockholm Worlds, some Japanese photographers and reporters sent us information not only the events but also the situation in Stockholm or the studium, etc. . . their reports were really informative, we were very much appriciated them. Even though they were quite busy plus, their activities were limited due to the bubble rules, however, really they worked so hard to send us reports.








「悔しいね、ヤバいよ」羽生結弦・宇野昌磨 未公開映像で本音が見えた“その瞬間” 


Somehow, FNN's report seems they immitated the reports which were sent in time, however what they want to send us, such concept is not in the right way, then the report would not be accepted by readers and some howe it would be a chance to be "invation of privacy."

And somewhat what FNN sent us yesterday can be considered as the later one.








Often we watch skaters in the green room, and enjoy skaters' conversations though TV, but the green room is an official place and skaters know there is (are) (a) camera(s). But yesterday's report was based on a film which was taken without noticing, oh, FNN, didn't you know that kind of shooting is sa-called "peeping"?





でね、ま、そんな風に撮られた場面を記事にするって、報道の自由以前にプライバシーの侵害って状況に思える。しかもね、言葉って、実際に話している言葉と文字にされたものって、微妙に(時にかなり!)ニュアンスが変わってくるわけじゃない。映像ってうたいつつ、実際には、写真だけで、会話を文字で。これってさ、なんか(まず、本当に言っていたの?作ってないかい?って、 思うわず疑ったさ、サラは、FNNさんへの猜疑心ってかなりあるからね)二人の言葉とされる部分の前置きが、誰かが、「すがすがしい笑顔で、世界各国のオンラインインタビューに答えていたころ、その瞬間は訪れた」で、続くわけよ、二人の言葉が。完全にこれは、報道するっていうより、脚光を浴びる勝者と何とかってイメージを植え付けているに過ぎないじゃない。


Whatever, the comversation they reported yesterday is a short one between Yuzu and Shoma, while Nathan was interviewed. And they way they reported is also somehow malicious, Sarah feels. "While Nathan Chen who became the champion 3 times in a row, was taking the interview with a brisky smile, the inccident occured behind it." then they discribed what Yuzu and Shoma were talking. Y "It's awaful" S "True." Y "Anyway, let's work harder, well, we have been working hard though. It was the frist time for me to do such awkward performance, in my practice too, never did such mistakes. Even I wondered why." S "My case, well I have been awaful from the official practice. Yeah, really terribly awaful I was. Maybe I'm not worth enough to regret."

Well, it seems (for Sarah) FNN just wanted to underline the shining champion and regretting losers.

First, really can't accept the article though, however, they are professional reproters, they know although reproting a same matter they can give diffirent images to reader depends on how they report.









When it was an American medium, then well, somehow it would happen, but they are Japanese medium and why? do they want to give us very bad images about the skaters who are carring the national flag??? 

Whatever, it's so obvious that they just wanted to use Yuzu's name to get bigger access number to their site. If so, it's ok, but there are so many topics Yuzu has been providing to make people happy, better use those topics!!!

















Sorry, it's not at all a good topic, and yeah, Sarah knows that would forget about such stupid reports though, well, just wanted to complain, well, can't stop complaining.




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