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 a seasonal festival : Girls’ festival on March 3rd called “Hinamatsuri”


Sekku is a seasonal festival, which came from China. Five days were defined as “sekku” in the Edo period, which was one of the five festival days marking seasonal changes.

The Sekku festival on March 3rd is for girls called the Momo no Sekku (sekku of Peaches) because it is the season when peach blossoms open based on lunar calendar. And the one on May 5th is for boys called Tango no Sekku. We celebrate the health and future of children in both days.

Most homes with girls display a set of traditional dolls called hina-ningyo for girl’s festival. The dolls depict the imperial court. A “doll Emperor and Empress in ancient costume” are placed on the highest tier of a five- or seven- tiered stand covered with a red carpet, and under them come the “Minister of the Right, Minister of the Left,” the “three court ladies,” and the “five court musicians,” among others. But  today, the doll sets are smaller with fewer dolls and as few as just one level to be suitable for Japanese houses. The dolls are usually set up at around the first day of spring or sometime by 24th of February. Parents put away Hina Ningyo as soon as Hinamatsuri is over because it is believed that if they are out too long, the girl will get married late in their life. There are areas in Japan where they flow a pair of paper-made Hina Ningyo dolls on a river. It is because to drive away evil spirits with them.

Five days in the year called sekku, people held traditional events and prepared special foods on each seasonal festival. On the Girls’ day, we eat traditional dishes like Scattered sushi(chirashi-sushi), clam soup, rise cake cubes(hina arare) and diamond-shaped rice cakes(hishimochi) . Modern families celebrate the day by eating springlike sushi-dishes and create a Hina-matsuri inspired cakes.


Please enjoy the day of seasonal festival in Japan!






JapaDo you know the traditional Japanese poetry?

Do you know a traditional Japanese poem called “Tanka”? A Tanka consists of five verses based on lines of 5-7-5-7-7 syllables. Tanka have been written since the ancient period, and people used to exchange tanka to communicate their feelings and thoughts. The first three verses of tanka are called a kaminoku and the latter two verses are called a shimonoku.

The oldest anthology of Japanese poems “The Ten Thousand Leaves” shows from long ago people have recited short poems, known as “tanka”, to express Japanese sentiments, sensitivity and concepts of beauty.


“Hyakunin-isshu” is one of the traditional and essential card games of New Year. As a card game, 100 cards, YOMIFUDA, carry the full poems, while the other 100 cards, TORIFUD, carry the second half only. When playing, the poem reader reads aloud a yomifuda at random, and other players take the torifuda corresponding to the read poem. The player who has taken the most torifuda wins the game.  An anthology compiled in the 13th century by fujiwara no teika is sometimes called “Ogura hyakunin isshu” because Teika compiled it at Mt. Ogura in Kyoto. It is the single verses by a hundred people, or one hundred poets, one poem each. The oldest poem was composed in the 7th century by emperor Tenji.


Children learn them by heart in the 3rd grade of elementary school. Some high school has a Hyakunin-isshu club and play to win the National high school Karuta championship. In the recent years, competitive karuta population seem to be increasing due to a great influence of a popular comic movies, ”CHIHAYAFURU”, themed on hyakunin isshu,


The haiku was born from tanka’s kaminoku, appeared in the 17th century and became popular in the Edo period. The haiku consists of three parts based on the verses of 5-7-5 syllables, and always contains a word implying a season. Many people are still familiar with haiku today, and you may see it in the newspaper, etc..


It’s nice to touch the world of tanka or haiku while feeling the beauty of nature and seasonal changes in this Oshogatsu period, isn’t it.










Japanese style how to spend December to prepare for New Year.


December is a period also called “Shiwasu”, the word 師走(Shiwasu) is comprised of Chinese characters that literally mean “Running Priest”. The name stands for December because it is said Buddhist priests are especially busy at that time. Same as we, Japanese are busy in this period. Why?


In December, many Japanese people have parties called “Bonen-kai”, where they celebrate the end of the year by drinking and eating. For business people, they are busy to attend the bonen-kai held at their companies, sections, and client..., so they have to adjust their schedules to attend at night after work.


At home, many people clean their houses and furniture. Such activity at the end of the year is called “susuharai” or “osouji”. And many mail postcards called “nenga-jo”, which must be delivered to important people on January 1.


December 31, New Year’s Eve, is called “omisoka”. Most Japanese spend the day with family, so let me check how they spend the night on New Year’s Eve..


“Kohaku Uta-gassen” is the most popular TV show shown at night which features many singers and celebrities. Around midnight after watching the TV show, bells speeding the old year begin to be rung at temples all around the country. This custom of ringing temple bells 108 times is called “joyanokane” and is to relieve people of the 108 sins and purify them to receive the new year. People at home while watching TV show or listening to the sound of the bells, eat soba noodles as a custom to welcome the new year. Soba is traditional Japanese noodle, that soba flour (made from buckwheat) is kneaded with water, stretched and cut into thin slices to make noodles. This is known as “toshikoshi-soba”, which express hope for long life because soba is fine and long.


The end of the year is just around the corner. Have a good year end !