【春節】なぜ?青森に中国人観光客が殺到「東京に劣るとは思わない」 SNSフォロワー数は“人口超”の130万人以上(FNNプライムオンライン) - Yahoo!ニュース



The number of Chinese SNS followers to Aomori Prefecture exceeded the prefecture's population. How you perceive this is up to you. However, we see a very large number of Chinese travelers in Hirosaki City and on the trains. It is no exaggeration to say that the main street of Aomori City, in particular, is almost full of foreign tourists. This situation was the same before the pandemic. This is supported by the fact that in some private survey organization released last summer, Aomori Prefecture was ranked as one of the top prefectures in Japan among tourists to Japan (especially Hong Konger and Taiwanese).

魅力度調査① Charms of Aomori:台湾・香港 | 通訳案内士による青森県のインバウンドを振興する会 ~ Aomori Inbound Tourism Promotion Committe by the Licenced Interpreter Guides (ameblo.jp)

魅力度調査② ~ Charms of Aomori | 通訳案内士による青森県のインバウンドを振興する会 ~ Aomori Inbound Tourism Promotion Committe by the Licenced Interpreter Guides (ameblo.jp)


Thanks to the government plans, Aomori Prefecture is thought to be attracting wealthy and individual travelers who have been avoiding the overtourism area, such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Hokkaido in recent years. Chinese people, in particular, are said to be more inclined to seek out new destinations and hidden gems that many have yet to visit, rather than major area. Other factors, such as pesticide-free apples and other Aomori foods, are boosting popularity.

鯵ヶ沢町招請ツアー Invite Tour to Ajigasawa~Fuji | 通訳案内士による青森県のインバウンドを振興する会 ~ Aomori Inbound Tourism Promotion Committe by the Licenced Interpreter Guides (ameblo.jp)


As we recently posted, we can feel that winter tourism in Aomori is also beginning to take the spotlight. On the other hand, the waves of tourism are changeable, so it is more important to plan mid- to long-term tactics. It is crucial to strengthen cooperation with neighboring prefectures (Akita and Iwate) that have not yet experienced such an inbound boom and to take concrete actions now. Those involved in tourism industries in Akita and Iwate also need tp pay attention to why "Wa Rasse"in Aomori or "the Tsugaru Han Neputa Village" in Hirosaki are so popular among visitors to Japan. And it's time to follow the example of the Kansai region, which is usually at odds with each other but builds cooperative partnerships when their goals are aligned.

【青森市内で雪遊びする訪日客 2024-0208】