宇賀克也教授自身による自らの著作の説明を、日本語バージョンと英語バージョンを比較して味わい、宇賀構文に慣れ親しみ、行政法で法律英語を学びつつ、ついでに5つの代表的な機械翻訳(Google TranslationDeepL@TexTraMicrosoft Translatorみらい翻訳Plus)と5つのAI(ChatGPTGeminiCOPILOTClaude3perplexity)との比較もする欲張り企画その17。






●17-02-J. Original text in Japanese



●17-02-E. Original text in English

This is because when the volume was originally published, the abbreviation, “the Number Act” was widely used in the government but the term is hardly used today, instead, another term, “the My Number Act” is widely used.


○17-02-G. Translation by Google Translation

The reason for this is that at the time this book was published, the abbreviation "Number Law" was commonly used within the government, whereas today the abbreviation "Number Law" is almost never used, and the abbreviation "My Number Law" has become widely known.


○17-02-D. Translation by DeepL

The reason for this is that at the time of this publication, the abbreviation “Number Law” was commonly used within government departments, whereas today the abbreviation “Number Law” is almost never used at all, and the abbreviation “My Number Law” has become a household word in the population.


○17-02-T. Translation by @TexTra

The reason is that, at the time of publication of this book, the abbreviated name of' number system' was generally used within the government, but nowadays, the abbreviated name of' number system' is hardly used at all and the abbreviated name of' My Number system' has become widely known.


○17-02-M. Translation by Microsoft Translator

The reason for this is that at the time of the publication of this book, the abbreviation "Number Act" was commonly used within government departments, but today the abbreviation "Number Act" is almost completely disused, and the abbreviation "My Number Act" has become popular among the population.


○17-02-Mi. Translation by みらい翻訳Plus

The reason for this is that the abbreviation "Numbering Law" was commonly used within the government when this book was published, but today the abbreviation "Numbering Law" is hardly used at all, and the abbreviation "My Number Law" is widely known.


○17-02-C. Translation by chatGPT

The reason for this is that at the time of the publication of this book, the abbreviation "Number Act" was commonly used within government circles. However, today, this abbreviation is hardly ever used, and the abbreviation "My Number Act" has become widely recognized.


○17-02-G. Translation by Gemini

The reason for this is that, at the time of this book's publication, the abbreviation "number law" was commonly used within government departments; however, today, the abbreviation "My Number Law" has become widely adopted by the public, supplanting the former almost entirely.


○17-02-CO. Translation by COPILOT

The reason is that, at the time of this book's publication, the abbreviation 'Bangō-hō' was commonly used within the government, whereas today, the abbreviation 'Bangō-hō' is almost never used, and the abbreviation 'My Number Law' has become widely known.


○17-02-C3. Translation by Claude3

The rationale for this change stems from a shift in nomenclature. At the time of this book's publication, the abbreviated term "Number Act" was commonly employed within government circles. However, in contemporary usage, this abbreviation has fallen into near-complete disuse, supplanted by the now widely recognized and colloquially accepted term "My Number Act."


○17-02-p. Translation by perplexity

The reason for this change is that at the time of this publication, the abbreviation "Number Act" was commonly used within government circles; however, today, the term "Number Act" has fallen into almost complete disuse, while the abbreviation "My Number Act" has become widely recognized among the general population.


○17-02-SC. Summarized above eleven English sentences by chatGPT

The abbreviation "Number Act" was commonly used within government circles at the time of this book's publication, but it has since fallen into near-complete disuse, replaced by the widely recognized term "My Number Act."


○17-02-SG. Summarized above eleven English sentences by Gemini

A shift in nomenclature has occurred since the publication of this book. While the abbreviation "Number Law" or similar terms were previously common within government circles, the term "My Number Law" has become the predominant and widely recognized designation.


○17-02-SCO. Summarized above eleven English sentences by COPILOT

At the time of this book's publication, the abbreviation 'Number Law' was commonly used within government circles, but today it has fallen into disuse and has been replaced by the widely recognized abbreviation 'My Number Law'.


○17-02-SC3. Summarized above eleven English sentences by Claude3

The evolution of nomenclature regarding the legislation in question reflects a significant shift in linguistic practice: whereas the abbreviated term "Number Act" (or its variants) was predominantly utilized within governmental spheres at the time of the book's publication, contemporary usage has seen this terminology fall into near-obsolescence, supplanted by the now ubiquitous and colloquially embraced "My Number Act."


○17-02-Sp. Summarized above eleven English sentences by perplexity

The nomenclature shift necessitating this change reflects that while the abbreviation "Number Act" was prevalent within governmental spheres at the time of initial publication, it has since fallen into disuse, supplanted by the now widely recognized term "My Number Act" among the general populace.







宇賀克也教授自身による自らの著作の説明を、日本語バージョンと英語バージョンを比較して味わい、宇賀構文に慣れ親しみ、行政法で法律英語を学びつつ、ついでに5つの代表的な機械翻訳(Google TranslationDeepL@TexTraMicrosoft Translatorみらい翻訳Plus)と5つのAI(ChatGPTGeminiCOPILOTClaude3perplexity)との比較もする欲張り企画その17。






●17-01-J. Original text in Japanese



●17-01-E. Original text in English

The current volume revises Annotations to the Number Act (2nd edition) but with a different title.


○17-01-G. Translation by Google Translation

This book is a revised version of "Article-by-Article Commentary on the Numbering Act (2nd Edition)," but the title has been changed this time.


○17-01-D. Translation by DeepL

This book is a revised edition of “A Verbatim Commentary on the Numbering Act (2nd Edition),” but now with a new title.


○17-01-T. Translation by @TexTra

This book is a revision of the By-Article Commentary on the Numbering System (Second Edition), but the title has been changed.


○17-01-M. Translation by Microsoft Translator

This book is a revision of the "Commentary on the Number Law (2nd Edition)", but the title of the book has been changed this time.


○17-01-Mi. Translation by みらい翻訳Plus

This book is a revised version of "Clarification of the Numbering Method (Second Edition)" and the title has been changed this time.


○17-01-C. Translation by chatGPT

This book is a revised edition of "A Clause-by-Clause Commentary on the Number Law (2nd Edition)," but the title has been changed for this edition.


○17-01-G. Translation by Gemini

This book is a revised edition of "A Detailed Commentary on the Numbering Law (Second Edition)," with a new title.


○17-01-CO. Translation by COPILOT

This book is a revision of "Detailed Commentary on the Numbering System (2nd Edition)", but the title has been changed in this edition.


○17-01-C3. Translation by Claude3

This volume represents a revised edition of "A Clause-by-Clause Commentary on the Number Use Act (2nd Edition)"; however, for this iteration, we have opted to modify the title.


○17-01-p. Translation by perplexity

This volume represents a revised edition of "A Clause-by-Clause Commentary on the Number Use Act (2nd Edition)"; however, for this iteration, we have opted to modify the title.


○17-01-SC. Summarized above eleven English sentences by chatGPT

The current volume is a revised edition of "A Clause-by-Clause Commentary on the Number Law (2nd Edition)" with a new title.


○17-01-SG. Summarized above eleven English sentences by Gemini

This volume constitutes a revised edition of "A Commentary on the Numbering Law (2nd Edition)," featuring a new title.


○17-01-SCO. Summarized above eleven English sentences by COPILOT

This work is a revised edition of the "Clause-by-Clause Commentary on the Numbering Act (2nd Edition)", but the title has been altered in this iteration.


○17-01-SC3. Summarized above eleven English sentences by Claude3

This volume constitutes a revised edition of the previously published "Clause-by-Clause Commentary on the Number Use Act (2nd Edition)," with the notable modification of its title for this new iteration.


○17-01-Sp. Summarized above eleven English sentences by perplexity

This volume constitutes a revised edition of the previously published "Clause-by-Clause Commentary on the Number Use Act (2nd Edition)," with the notable modification of its title for this new iteration.







宇賀克也教授自身による自らの著作の説明を、日本語バージョンと英語バージョンを比較して味わい、宇賀構文に慣れ親しみ、行政法で法律英語を学びつつ、ついでに5つの代表的な機械翻訳(Google TranslationDeepL@TexTraMicrosoft Translatorみらい翻訳Plus)と5つのAI(ChatGPTGeminiCOPILOTClaude3perplexity)との比較もする欲張り企画その17。






















宇賀克也教授自身による自らの著作の説明を、日本語バージョンと英語バージョンを比較して味わい、宇賀構文に慣れ親しみ、行政法で法律英語を学びつつ、ついでに5つの代表的な機械翻訳(Google TranslationDeepL@TexTraMicrosoft Translatorみらい翻訳Plus)と4つのAI(ChatGPTGeminiCOPILOTClaude3)による翻訳との比較もする欲張り企画その1。






●01-16-J. Original text in Japanese



●01-16-E. Original text in English

Section V of the book includes reference materials used by the government in the drafting of the State Redress Act.


○01-16-G. Translation by Google Translation

Volume V contains reference materials used by the government in the process of drafting the State Compensation Bill.


○01-16-D. Translation by DeepL

This publication V contains reference materials used by the government in the process of drafting the National Compensation Bill.


○01-16-T. Translation by @TexTra

Section V of this report contains reference materials used by the Government in preparing the draft State Redress Act.


○01-16-M. Translation by Microsoft Translator

This book V. contains reference materials used by the government in the process of drafting the National Reparations Bill.


○01-16-Mi. Translation by みらい翻訳Plus

This Book V contains reference materials used by the Government in the process of drafting the State Compensation Bill.


○01-16-C. Translation by chatGPT

In Section V of this book, we include reference materials utilized by the government during the drafting process of the State Compensation Act.


○01-16-G. Translation by Gemini

Book V presents the reference materials that the government consulted during the drafting process of the State Compensation Act.


○01-16-CO. Translation by COPILOT

In Volume V of this book, reference materials used by the government in the process of drafting the National Compensation Law are presented.


○01-16-C3. Translation by Claude3

Volume V of this work presents the reference materials utilized by the government in the process of drafting the State Compensation Act.


○01-16-SC. Summarized above ten English sentences by chatGPT

Section V of this book presents reference materials utilized by the government during the drafting process of the State Compensation Act.


○01-16-SG. Summarized above ten English sentences by Gemini

Book V (or Volume V) compiles reference materials consulted by the government during the drafting process of the State Compensation Act (or State Redress Act).


○01-16-SCO. Summarized above ten English sentences by COPILOT

In Volume V of this publication, the government's reference materials used during the drafting process of the State Compensation Act are included.


○01-16-SC3. Summarized above ten English sentences by Claude3

Volume V of this work presents the reference materials utilized by the government during the drafting process of the State Compensation Act.




国家賠償法〔昭和22年〕 (日本立法資料全集)


宇賀克也教授自身による自らの著作の説明を、日本語バージョンと英語バージョンを比較して味わい、宇賀構文に慣れ親しみ、行政法で法律英語を学びつつ、ついでに5つの代表的な機械翻訳(Google TranslationDeepL@TexTraMicrosoft Translatorみらい翻訳Plus)と4つのAI(ChatGPTGeminiCOPILOTClaude3)による翻訳との比較もする欲張り企画その1。






●01-15-J. Original text in Japanese



●01-15-E. Original text in English

Section IV of the book includes relevant “Tatsuo Sato materials” held in the Modern Japanese Political History Materials Room of the National Diet Library as well as records of round table discussions on the State Redress Act attended by Fumio Ozawa (who supervised the drafting of the bill) and a short article on the drafting process by Dr. Jiro Tanaka, who was a member of the second subcommittee of the Deliberative Council on the Legal System.


○01-15-G. Translation by Google Translation

Volume IV contains related materials from the "Sato Tatsuo Related Documents" held in the Constitutional Documents Room of the National Diet Library, as well as a roundtable discussion on the State Compensation Act in which Ozawa Fumio, a drafter of the law, participated, and a short essay by Dr. Tanaka Jiro, who served as a member of the Second Subcommittee of the Judicial and Legislation Council, looking back on the legislative process.


○01-15-D. Translation by DeepL

This book IV includes related materials from the "Documents Related to Tatsuo Sato" in the collection of the Constitutional Archives of the National Diet Library, a roundtable discussion on the National Compensation Law in which Fumio Ozawa, who was in charge of drafting the law, participated, and an essay by Dr. Jiro Tanaka, who participated as a member of the Second Subcommittee of the Judicial Law System Council, recounting the legislative process.


○01-15-T. Translation by @TexTra

This volume IV contains materials related to the "Documents related to Tatsuo Sato" in the National Diet Library, including a roundtable discussion on State Redress Act with the participation of Mr. Fumio Ozawa, who was in charge of drafting the bill, and an essay by Dr. Jiro Tanaka, who participated as a member of the Second Subcommittee of the Judicial Legislation Council, in which he reviewed the legislative process.


○01-15-M. Translation by Microsoft Translator

In this book, IV contains materials related to the "Documents Related to Tatsuo Sato" in the Constitutional Archives of the National Diet Library, and includes a roundtable discussion on the National Compensation Law in which Mr. Fumio Ozawa, the person in charge of planning, participated, and an essay in which Dr. Jiro Tanaka, who participated as a member of the Second Subcommittee of the Judicial Legislation Council, reviewed the legislative process.


○01-15-Mi. Translation by みらい翻訳Plus

This book IV includes materials related to "Documents related to Tatsuo Sato" in the Constitutional Affairs Archive of the National Diet Library, as well as a round-table discussion on the State Reparations Law attended by Mr. Fumio Ozawa, who was in charge of planning the plan, and a short essay in which Dr. Jiro Tanaka, a member of the Second Subcommittee of the Judicial Legislation Council, reviewed the legislative process.


○01-15-C. Translation by chatGPT

In Section IV of this book, we include related materials from the "Tatsuo Sato Papers" housed in the Constitutional Government Documents Room of the National Diet Library. This section also features a round-table discussion on the State Compensation Act with Mr. Fumio Ozawa, a key drafter, and an essay by Dr. Jiro Tanaka, a member of the Second Subcommittee of the Judicial System and Legislation Council, reflecting on the legislative process.


○01-15-G. Translation by Gemini

Book IV presents relevant materials from the Sato Tatsuo Archives held at the Constitutional Research Library of the National Diet Library, including a transcript of a roundtable discussion on the State Redress Act attended by draftsman Fumio Ozawa, and an essay by Dr. Jiro Tanaka, a member of the Second Subcommittee of the Judicial System Council, reflecting on the legislative process.


○01-15-CO. Translation by COPILOT

Book IV presents relevant materials from the Sato Tatsuo Archives held at the Constitutional Research Library of the National Diet Library, including a transcript of a roundtable discussion on the State Redress Act attended by draftsman Fumio Ozawa, and an essay by Dr. Jiro Tanaka, a member of the Second Subcommittee of the Judicial System Council, reflecting on the legislative process.


○01-15-C3. Translation by Claude3

In Book IV, we have included relevant materials from the "Tatsuo Sato Related Documents" held by the Modern Japanese Political History Materials Room of the National Diet Library. It also contains the proceedings of a roundtable discussion on the State Redress Law attended by Fumio Ozawa, who was in charge of drafting the law, as well as a short essay by Dr. Niro Tanaka, who participated as a member of the Second Subcommittee of the Legislative Council on the Judiciary and looked back on the legislative process.


○01-15-SC. Summarized above ten English sentences by chatGPT

Section IV of the book contains materials from the Tatsuo Sato Papers at the National Diet Library, including a roundtable discussion on the State Redress Act with Fumio Ozawa, the bill's drafter, and an essay by Dr. Jiro Tanaka, a member of the Judicial System Council, reflecting on the legislative process.


○01-15-SG. Summarized above ten English sentences by Gemini

Book IV presents materials from the National Diet Library's "Tatsuo Sato Archives," including a roundtable discussion on the State Redress Act featuring draftsman Fumio Ozawa and an essay by Dr. Jiro Tanaka, a member of the Second Subcommittee of the Judicial System Council, reflecting on the legislative process.


○01-15-SCO. Summarized above ten English sentences by COPILOT

Book IV includes materials related to Tatsuo Sato from the National Diet Library, a roundtable discussion on the State Redress Act attended by its drafter, Fumio Ozawa, and an essay by Dr. Jiro Tanaka, a member of the Judicial Legislation Council's Second Subcommittee, reflecting on the legislative process.


○01-15-SC3. Summarized above ten English sentences by Claude3

Book IV incorporates materials from the "Tatsuo Sato Archives" at the National Diet Library's Modern Japanese Political History Room, including a roundtable discussion on the State Redress Act with drafter Fumio Ozawa and an essay by Dr. Jiro Tanaka, a member of the Judicial System Council's Second Subcommittee, reflecting on the legislative process.




国家賠償法〔昭和22年〕 (日本立法資料全集)