仔魚の発育と進化(英文総説の紹介) | ウッカリカサゴのブログ



Webb, J. F. (1999). CHAPTER 4 Larvae in Fish Development and Evolution, pp.109-158.
In: (Hall, B. K. and Wake, M. H., eds.) Origin and Evolution of Larval Forms. San Diego, Academic Press. 

I. Introduction ....109
II. General Characteristics of Fish Larvae ....111 
III. Marine Fish Larvae: Challenges of a Planktonic Lifestyle ....112 
IV. Developmental Morphology of Marine Fish Larvae ....114
  A. Growth and Allometry 
  B. Larval Skeletal Specializations 
  C. Specializations of the Larval Digestive System 
  D. Pigmentation, Squamation, and Photophores 
  E. Cranial Sensory System

     1. Vision 
     2. Chemosensory Systems 
     3. Auditory System 
     4. Mechanosensory Lateral Line System
     5. Electrosensory System 
     6. Multiple Sensory Modalities and the Ontogeny of Behavior
V. What Can Fish Larvae Teach Us about the Developmental Basis for Evolutionary Change?  ....136
  A. Character Evolution in Larval Fishes 
  B. Developmental Plasticity 
  C. Developmental Integration 
  D. Metamorphosis 
VI. Suggested Strategies for Future Investigations .... 142
References ....144




注:【山口素臣 (2001) 分子系統樹に基づく仔魚の眼の進化プロセスの推定-ハダカイワシ科魚類を例に- in 「魚類の系統類縁-個体発生学的アプローチの効用と限界-」. 月刊海洋, 33(3): 166~172.】で参照されている。




“I thank H. G. Moser and M. Fahay for critically reviewing the manuscript and for offering valuable insights and suggestions. ”



Konishi, Y., and Okiyama, M. (1997). Morphological development of four trachichthyoid larvae (Pisces: Beryciformes) , with comments on trachichthyoid relationships. Bull. Mar. Sci., 60: 66-88. 
Leis, J.M., Olney, J.E., and Okiyama, M. (1997). Introduction to the proceedings of the symposium-Fish larvae and systematics: Ontogeny and relationships. Bull. Mar. Sci., 60: 1-5. 
Tsukamoto, Y., and Okiyama, M. (1997). Growth during the early life history of the Pacific tarpon Megalops cyprinoides. Jpn. J. Ichthyol., 39: 379-386. 


Nobuhiro, S., Yasuhisa, K., and Tsuzumi, M. (1996) → Suzuki, N., Kayano, Y., and Mito, T. (1996)


著者であるJacqueline F. Webb 博士(女性)の専門分野は 魚類の感覚生物学(特に側線系) で,現在の所属・肩書きは以下のとおり。
    Professor of Biological Sciences 
    Department of Biological Sciences 
    University of Rhode Island 

Coordinator, URI Marine Biology Program (2006-Pres.)
Whitman Investigator, MBL, Woods Hole (2012, 2013)
A liate Member, Sensory Physiology and Behavior Program, MBL, Woods Hole (2012 – Pres.)
Research Associate, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (2009-Pres.)
Guest Investigator, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (2003-Pres.)
Research Associate, Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University (1993-Pres.)
Associate Editor – Journal of Morphology, Copeia, Environmental Biology of Fishes



The University of Rhode Island {momentum: Research & Innovation} Spring 2017 から
Investigating the Sensory World of Fishes



「動物の変態 (英文単行本の紹介)」

Sarah K. McMenamin and David M. Parichy (2013) CHAPTER FIVE  Metamorphosis in Teleosts. pp.127-165.

in Shi, Yun-Bo (ed.) (2013) Animal Metamorphosis. 
Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Volume 103, ACADEMIC PRESS, INC.