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⁂∞§∞⭐︎ DHST-1 for men the best way to get healthy for men⭐︎∞§∞⁂

What’s DHST? ➡︎ 【1-1】about the DHST

What’s DHST-1? ➡︎【4-2】 Dynamic DHST

Before I describe about DHST-1 for men, you need to understand about mechanism of men’s prana energy.

Males store energy of LP at testicles, and there are penis is near testicles, don’t you?

(Ref:【5-2】How to refine and polish Prana).

Therefore, if males store much energy of LP, prana move into penis naturally and so it will get an erection with ease.

Males have misunderstood as that is the sexual lust.

It isn’t the sexual lust but only that it’s at the same time that both when not consuming energy of MP and when filling up energy of LP.

The same reason is a morning erection, too.

Energy of HP makes the hole of void by the mechanism of sleep, and energy of LP is accumulated through the hole of void.

In the morning, not consuming energy of MP because not moving body, and filling up energy of LP.

(Ref: 【4-1】Static DHST).

Therefore, energy of prana temporarily move into penis where the closest part, and so blood is attendant on prana resulting in it will get an erection.

It means that a morning erection is not relevant to the sexual lust.

Having a morning erection doesn't mean that males have a special stronger sexual desire than females.

That is only a mere difference of prana’s mechanism between men and women.

(Ref:【6-5】Mechanism of prana between men and women 〜Sense of harmony 〜).

Men’s sexual desire what men think is as follows.

 1.Filling up energy of LP.

 2.Amount of consuming energy of MP is a very small.

When males correspond to the above, it occurs that penis receives sense stimuli from prana.

By means of this, males feel horny a little.

Men’s sexual desire what men think is this.

Therefore,in this kind of situation, you should circulate prana throughout your whole body by absorbing yourself in something.

If you do so, it dispels your sexual desire quickly.

It is also good to move your body.

It is also good to train muscles.

It is also good to read books or Manga.

It is also good to listen music or to absorb yourself in hobby.

Moreover, it’s effective that taking a hot shower.

By absorbing yourself in something, because LP change into MP and it circulates MP throughout your whole body and it consumes energy of LP, your LP-PRESS will be decreased and it doesn’t occur that penis receives sense stimuli from prana.

(Ref: 【5-2】How to refine and polish Prana).

Moreover, if you do so, you become the healthiest man because your natural healing power increases and it kills toxins and viruses in your body and you can reject it from your body.

Unfortunately, because males haven’t learned such above in school education, males try to leak seminal fluid by act of masturbation as soon as filling up energy of LP.

This is truly a wasteful use of energy.

Your aura power and energy of spiritual body can’t be strong at this.

if suppose amount of DHST-1’s aura is『10』, amount of aura which you are required for everyday life is about 『1』.

For example, in a light bulb,

DHST-1 is a 100-watt bulb,

It means that most of people have only light power of like a 10-watt bulb.

Originally, humanity have been created to use power of a 100-watt bulb by Divine Source.

So energy of LP try to store amount of a 100-watt bulb.

However, even though males people store a 20-watt bulb, males who doesn’t know it in the present era try to restore to a 10-watt bulb by either act of masturbation or sexual intercourse soon.

For that reason, their aura power stay ever a 10-watt bulb.

It is necessary to store power of a 100-watt bulb for extraction of your all latent potential, but males can’t store it.

Therefore, prana which woman brings about is peace of mind, can make male’s energy of LP change into energy of MP,males can circulate MP throughout his whole body by woman’s that prana.

For male, this is the greatest woman’s ability in abilities woman has.

Actually, woman is natural born having aura power which doesn’t make male’s energy of LP leak.

(Ref:【6-6】power of pretty women).



However, this is limited to woman who isn’t   possessed by demon evils who belong to the demon world.

Woman who is possessed by demon evils tries to do the opposite of that.

I will call ‘demon-evil woman’ because ‘Woman who is possessed by demon evils’ is so long.

Demon-evil woman likes demon-evil man.

They are lustful each other and they like sexual intercourse very much.

As if they are animals.

Demon-evil woman’s eyes are not clear and not bright.

However, there are sometimes pretty woman who is demon-evil woman looks like clear and bright.

Such woman is possessed by a fox spirit which has nine golden tails.

It’s the highest position in fox spirits which belong to the demon spirit world.

This demon spirit looks like a wonderful person like divine beings at a glance.

However, this demon spirit has too much pride and it is strong against the weak and it is friendly against the strong.

Besides its smile is suspicious.

It doesn’t make people feel refreshing somehow even though it tries to smile bright and sometimes it will be sexually eyes for just a moment.

Ordinary men are easily tricked by act of this.

As you can see, demon evils who belong to the demon world are plotting to hinder from storing energy of LP against men in the this world as much as possible by possessing women who are porn stars or pin-up girls.

It’s because that if they store amount of LP energy like a 20-watt bulb or a 30-watt bulb, men in this world will raise their spiritual layer very much and it stabilizes their mental state.

If so, there are less people who are able to be possessed by demon evils become less.

Actually, demon evils can’t possess people because they can’t get away from the spiritual world, if people who belong to the low spiritual layer don’t discharge bad thoughts.

Therefore, demon evils are seeking people  who are able to be possessed by them, they possess people  the moment when a person discharge erotic thoughts.

(Ref:【3-5-1】Sick by Erotic-toxin).

Originally, women’s role is which women makes men not neither leak nor discharge energy of LP.

To maintain a state of DHST Level 1 for men,

God said as follows.

if men don’t leak seminal fluid while for three months, they can maintain a state of DHST Level 1.

In the case of married couple, because there is wife’s prana which brings about is peace of mind, he can maintain a state of DHST Level 1 if husband doesn’t leak seminal fluid while for a month.

Husband and wife are enough to do sexual intercourse once a month. 


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