全投稿を見直し、英文を追記する事にした | 異文化交差点






2017年11月23日 09:56に第1稿が始まった。全投稿量は、恐らく200近辺になろうかと思う。約30稿が和文と英文併記なので、約170稿の和文を見直して、英文を付記するとなると、これは大変な作業となる。しかし私はやる






Since I started writing both Japanese and English text on this blog, it's grown to about 30 posts. Today, I decided to add English text to the posts that don't have it yet. At the same time, I'll be revising the Japanese text to make it easier to translate.


The first post was written on November 23, 2017, at 09:56. I'm aiming to translate approximately 200 posts in total. Currently, about 30 posts are already in both Japanese and English. This means I'll need to review the Japanese text of around 170 posts and add English text. It's a big undertaking, but I'm determined to do it.


To streamline the process, I'll create a Word document that will allow me to track the revisions to the Japanese text and the addition of English text. After completing this initial stage, I'll revisit the content and edit it again based on common themes. I'm confident that I can compile these edited blog posts into a compelling Kindle book.


So, no matter how long it takes, I will do this. I'm kind of excited now.