溜息と呼吸 Sigh and Breathing | 異文化交差点





I knew that the mastery of Zen is linked to breathing.

When you breathe in a relaxed way, your brain begins to calm down and thus your worries begin to fade




So it seems that the monk of the Zen Buddhism is also a master of breathing exercises and always has a calm and sedate countenance.




I had the knowledge decades ago that breathing is important to maintain a good body condition, but I quickly forgot it, and when I was writing something like this, my habit of concentrating too much sometimes caused me to stop breathing. When that happened, I unconsciously let out a sigh and resumed breathing.




I had always wondered if I could do something about it, but after I turned 70, my mind began to calm down and I was able to objectively observe the mental condition, and I finally understood that when I let out a sigh, it was a rescue signal from my body telling me to take a deep breath, and since then I have been taking deep breaths to calm down. The first thing I do is to let out a sigh. Since then, I have learned that when I take a deep breath to calm myself down, I breathe out a sigh first, and then I will be able to breathe easily.




In other words, start taking deep breaths by exhaling. Okay, sighing is good, I'm understanding now.




Once that breathing became established, the idea of writing this blog in both Japanese and English came to me, and I began to do it!




The effect of this has started to show up in my work in an unexpected way. I recently completed the preparation of materials for a cross-cultural communication training project for a German company, both in Japanese and English, which was quite a fun job!




In the past, I used to prepare such documents in either Japanese or English, but to tell the truth, it was nothing but a pain while repeating "stop and do and stop and do".



I take slow, deep breaths when I get stuck in my thoughts. This makes creating documents less painful and allows me to concentrate on creating them while enjoying the work, without being distracted by other things.




It is strange that I have finally reached this point in my life since I turned 70. I am tempted to wonder if my life has been an accumulation of waste, but when I think back, I realize that it may have been that waste that has made me who I am, and I wonder if that is also true.




Thanks to breathing, I can afford to enjoy the waste.