般若心經英訳の前に:その1 | 異文化交差点






The task of translating the Heart Sutra (Han-nya Shingyou) into English is indeed difficult. This is because, in order to translate the sutra itself into English, it is necessary to look at and understand the history and changes in thought underlying the sutra. Before I begin the English translation, I will write about this in turn.




Around 1997, I believe, a Chinese scholar of Japanese literature (a professor at a well-known private university in Japan) introduced me to a Chinese first secretary who worked at the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo. We went to an izakaya (Japanese-style pub) near Ueno Station, and the three of us discussed over drinks the causes of the conflict between China and Japan. At that time, the First Secretary said, "Mao Zedong is not a communist. He is a practitioner of the Taoism philosophy. (The private university professor is a major figure in the Chinese Communist Party. I am still in contact with him. We are great friends irrespective of ideological differences. He is a Chinese patriot and I am a Japanese patriot. We are friends who recognize each other's differences. (Perhaps we have a strange relationship.)




At that time, I did not know what Taoism was about and asked the professor who was present. He was a good student of the Chinese classics, so he said, "Mr. Hino, to understand Taoism philosophy, you need to know the concepts of nothingness, emptiness, and infinity.




At that moment, electricity ran through my cerebral spinal cord. The concepts of nothingness, emptiness, and infinity were so important to me because I had nurtured my dream of becoming an astronomer and had ruminated them while gazing at the stars in the night sky during my middle and high school years. I wrote about it for my summer vacation essay homework in my first year of high school. I believe it was titled something like "The Summer Night Sky. Its summary was like "A small human being gazing at the night sky and thinking about infinity." In other words, I wrote about a tiny human being trying to contain the infinite space that encompasses the universe in my tiny human brain.




I submitted it to my teacher after the summer holidays, and it was published in a high school literature collection. This was a bolt out of the blue. I think it was because of this experience that I began to like writing.




Be that as it may, in order to learn more about the Taoism philosophy I heard at an izakaya (Japanese pub) in Ueno, I went to a bookstore in Kashiwa City the next day and bought five books related to Taoism philosophy. Among them, I still have a copy of "Laozi and Zhuangzi" by MIKISABURO MORI, Kodansha Gakujutsu Bunko (Kodansha Scientific Library). That book describes the relationship between Taosim and Buddhism, and beautifully it also showed how the concepts of nothingness, emptiness, and infinity were used by Taoism thinkers as a tool for analyzing Buddhist thought.



Then, when I received a prayer at Ryuseki-ji Temple in Yamanashi Prefecture, I was exposed to the Heart Sutra (Han-nya Shingyou) chanted by the monk, and I began to study the relationship between Taoism and Buddhism little by little. However, since I was working, I was not able to make much progress. I had a hunch that the Heart Sutra, which was related to the prayer that eased my mind just before I went bankrupt, had something to do with the connection between the human mind and the universe, and I did not stop studying it.




Dr. Shizuka Sasaki, a professor at Hanazono University and a scholar of Buddhism, wrote a surprising article in the introduction to the "Han-nya Shingyou" in the NHK TV text "100 Minutes de Wonderful Book".





I will excerpt only the important part as follows.

What the Han-nya Shingyou says is not necessarily the teaching of the Buddha. Rather, it is "a scripture that seeks to surpass the Buddha by denying the teachings of the Buddha's time.



It was Genjo Sanzo who translated the Sanskrit version of the Han-nya Shingyou into Chinese. I believe that Taoism thinkers read that translation and found a curious coincidence. Dr. Mikisaburo Mori explains it well. This interpretation came to Japan in the late Heian to early Kamakura period, and a Buddhist revolution took place in Japan. It is fair to say that Buddhism was greatly developed in Japan. As Dr. Shizuka Sasaki says, "Beyond Shakyamuni" Buddhism was established in Japan.