A little intense animal shop | HappyField わーるど

HappyField わーるど




The speaker of the blog is NeYhaaa (^~^)


I will do my best at work today as wellグー


There are many animals in our shop。。。?????




Dogs are running at our shop !?


Cats are playing on my desk !?


Birds is making a nest in a box !?



『 Oh my God ~~~ !!!!!!

 The inside of the store is messed up >_<あせる 』



Fish are swimming in the air !?

a floodアセアセアセアセアセアセ








And ... I woke up Σ( ̄ー ̄;)⁈

It was a dream汗


I was relieved really (Lol Lol)


Here we go音符 I will continue to work hard todayはあと










Thank you for happyfield always