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China Ready Industry Program

China Ready Industry Program

In line with the Tourism Vision 2020: The Northern Territory’s Strategy for Growth objectives to grow the value of the visitor economy, address supply constraints and improve the visitor experience, the Northern Territory Government has released the China Ready Program.

Making the Northern Territory a “China Ready Destination” is one of five strategic focus areas for Tourism NT to guide the collective efforts of industry and the government along the path to achieving the goal of attracting 30,000 Chinese visitors with an estimated expenditure of $46 million by 2020.  

From now through to June 30, 2017 the following initiatives are being made available to support the local tourism industry:

Hotel China Ready Program for Accommodation Providers:

Assistance for hotels to develop amenities and provide translated, culturally-appropriate tourism material.  Hotels and accommodation providers will be able to apply for a one-off support funding of up to $5,000 to complete a range of steps to be China ready.  To be eligible for support, properties will need to develop the following for Chinese visitors:

  • Twin bedding configuration and in-room slippers.
  • Items preferred by Chinese guests in room mini bars (if applicable).
  • Jasmine or green tea in guest rooms and bars/restaurants.
  • China Union Pay acceptance at front desk and gift shops (where applicable).
  • Breakfast items eg: congee.
  • Chopsticks available in hotel restaurant (if applicable).
  • Restaurant menus in simplified Chinese (if applicable).
  • One Mandarin television channel.
  • A welcome letter, hotel fact sheet, and local map – all printed in simplified Chinese.
  • Chinese newspaper available daily in the lobby and restaurant.

China Ready and Accredited Workshop

In collaboration with Atrip Hub NT, owned and operated by China market specialist tour operator, New Asia Pacific Travel, a one-day China Ready workshop has been delivered NT tourism operators.  The training package included CHINA READY® translation and development of digital content and use of CHINA READY® identification logo and collateral.  Operators who successfully become accredited as China Ready through this program can apply for financial support related to the applicable annual sub-licence fees required to use the CHINA READY® service certification trademarks.

Guide Training for Kakadu National Park - 29 May- 1 June 2017

The Kakadu Knowledge for Tour guides program, developed by Parks Australia in partnership with Charles Darwin University (CDU), is a compulsory requirement for all tour guides working in Kakadu.  To meet the potential demand for Mandarin-speaking guides, a dedicated group training activity for 20 guides planned for 29 May - 1 June 2017.

The program, to be run by CDU with Parks Australia and Tourism NT will include an orientation of Darwin and the Kakadu Knowledge guide training to be delivered in the field in Kakadu National Park and at CDU.

Tourism NT will cover flights and ground costs for successful applicants.  If you have a Mandarin-speaking guide you wish to progress through this important training, please complete the application and return to Download application. This support program concludes June 30, 2017.

For further information on accessing this program contact Susan Webb, Destination Development, Tourism NT





で、中国観光客を迎え入れる準備が出来たら、なんと下記の認証がもらえるのですね~~China Ready ですよ!と。

















