【rìːsét】 | The Wonder Room

The Wonder Room

⚫︎2003ロンドン在住〜国際結婚⚫︎2007ビジネス経営学BTEC資格取得⚫︎バイヤー&ファッショニスタとして活動⚫︎現在二児の母⚫︎娘を家庭学習で支えトップ私立女子校に7歳で合格⚫︎日本の子供達を国際的観点で応援していきたいです。Instagram: invisible_door



















Motorway Rules

◆Speed limit on motorway for car/motorcycles: 70mph

◆Vehicles towing trailers cannot travel in the right-hand lane of a motorway (unless all other lanes are closed). The maximum speed limit for them is 60 mph.

◆The left-hand lane can be used by any vehicle and can be for normal driving.

◆Use the centre and right-hand lanes for overtaking.

Green studs run between a motorway and its slip road.

White studs run between the lanes on a motorway.

Amber studs run between the central reservation and the carriageway.

Red studs run between the carriageway and the hard shoulder.

The following cannot use the motorway:

  • Learner car drivers
  • Farm tractors
  • Cyclists
  • Learner motorcyclists
  • Horse riders

◆The hard shoulder should normally only be used for stopping in an emergency. You can however travel on the hard shoulder when signs direct you to do so.

An Emergency Refuge Area is an area on a motorway for use in cases of emergency or breakdown.

◆Most of the emergency phones are linked to the police, some however are linked to the Highways Agency Control Centre.

◆Highways Agency Traffic Officers are able to stop and direct anyone on a motorway.

◆A red cross displayed above a lane means do not travel in the lane.

◆A number displayed above a lane i.e. 50 means the speed limit for the lane is 50 mph.

◆You should stop on a motorway:

  • If red lights show above every lane
  • When told to by the police
  • When signalled by a Highways Agency Officer

◆If you get puncture on the motorway you should use an emergency phone and call for assistance.

◆If you breakdown but can't get to the hard shoulder you should turn on your hazard warning lights.

Continuous high speeds make vehicle breakdowns more likely.

◆In a contraflow system there are likely to be lower speed limits.

◆If you breakdown on a motorway and need to call for help it may be better to use one of the emergency roadside phones as this way your location will be accurately known. If you use a mobile phone you can check your location from the marker posts on the left.