2023.11/27分 (その6) キンバリー情報 パメラさん英文&Deepl自動翻訳 | 新しい地球を生きる☆魔女の部屋☆


希望は大事❣ だけど。。真実を知る勇気も必要なんだと思います。



Space Force at Peterson Airforce Base Dropped US Down to DEFCON 1

Peterson Airforce Base Space Force in Colorado Springs, in cooperation with the same brilliant operatives actually dropped the US down to DEFCON 1. They didn’t even tell the Pentagon, Kim had to notify them. She didn’t see any nuclear weapons heading for the United States coming from a foreign country so she wasn’t sure why we were at DEFCON 1, but eventually she tracked it back to NORAD and the Space Force and the Trump humping operatives.



The reason why they did this is because they were under the delusion if we were under DEFCON 1 all Agency systems, the financial system and the Key Intelligence and Monitoring System (KIMS) which is not even part of any government system would revert over to a backup database which NORAD doesn’t actually have anymore at Peterson Airforce base. It failed miserably and everyone in the Pentagon was arguing with the Space Force. Remember the last time, which was not so long ago they dropped us down to DEFCON 2 and then tried to fire up an old database system in Dallas, Texas and it didn’t work. So again, Kim has to train a new group of operatives “who think they are better than they are but don’t know about the toys they are playing with.” Those are not your toys and most have been removed anyway and they are peeing in the wind.


なぜこんなことをしたかというと、もしデフコン1になったら、すべての省庁のシステム、金融システム、そしてどの政府のシステムにも属さないKIMS(Key Intelligence and Monitoring System:重要情報監視システム)が、ピーターソン空軍基地にあるNORADのバックアップ・データベースに戻されるだろうと考えていたからだ。これは大失敗で、国防総省の誰もが宇宙軍と議論していた。少し前のことだが、彼らは我々をデフコン2まで落とし、テキサス州ダラスにある古いデータベースシステムを起動させようとしたが、うまくいかなかった。だからまた、キムは「自分たちよりも優れていると思っているが、自分たちが遊んでいるおもちゃのことを知らない」新しい工作員グループを訓練しなければならない。それらはあなたのおもちゃではないし、いずれにせよほとんどは取り除かれている。

Note: Below excerpt from my related DEFCON post 9/26/2022, Rumors Around 25th Amendment/Martial Law/10 Days of Darkness/Nuke Attack/Banking Crisis | Was Xi Jinping in Hiding? | Dueling Agency People Fight for their Dead POTUS Pick | Kim’s Notes Go Viral in Spook Community | Status of Kim’s Offer to Blackrock | Just Empower Me 
注:以下は、私の関連するDEFCON投稿9/26/2022、憲法修正第25条/戒厳令/闇の10日間/核攻撃/銀行危機をめぐる噂からの抜粋である。| 習近平は潜伏していたのか?|決闘する諜報部員たち|キムのメモがスプーク・コミュニティで大流行|キムのブラックロックへのオファーの状況|ジャスト・エンパワー・ミー







Submitted More Agreements to the Hall of Records

They kept submitting agreements and even did it again today. They submitted the agreement for a new Black Dragon obviously which went to Kim and they also submitted to her other agreements for the financial system, money for the war effort etc. It’s not going to the lower astral, its going right to Kim’s desk. She is tired of getting these requests so she shut off all communication lines to the Hall of Records except to those of the Archivists.



Tried to Call the Treasury Dept to Buy More Time


The Rothschild’s scam of appointing a fake Black Dragon didn’t work as of this morning. The operatives that retire in Jackson Hole, Wyoming are predominantly Federal Reserve, Order of the Dragon, and Monarch Military operatives, and when their lie didn’t hold, they called the Treasury Dept and tried to buy more time. Kim then sent the Legions back to handle the situation this morning. But she doesn’t even know how any are left because they are dropping like flies and dying at a rapid rate. You make a phone call you die and there is nobody left to make a phone call. But what she is seeing a lot of now are operatives playing the part of the Families. Oh yes, even though my last name is Smith I am the long-lost cousin and everyone just believes them. The whole world is running on a lie right now and it’s just getting worse.





Now these operatives are a very small percentage, yet think they can do this thing. But what they don’t understand either is Bush was never in charge. There was always a coven, then a coven master, then the Parents, Marduk, Enki, Enlil behind the curtain. And the Order of the Black Sun wasn’t the Order of the Black Sun without the Abraxas, the humanoid demons from the lower astral.


Big Banks Are Starting to Call Kim Looking for Money


Kim said she received some calls from people who were sent by the banks to go find some money. One such conversation was with Wells Fargo. He explained to Kim the bank is bankrupt. Kim then stated to us that they should not have the capacity to touch our money as she took away the transitory access to the best of her ability, which they were using to hold customer deposits. She hasn’t seen them use anything new since. But they are in a bit of a conundrum because they don’t know where they are going to find any money and they still think they have to adhere to Federal Reserve capital requirements which a long time ago went out the window. Their problems are also compacted because they are getting IOUs from the Treasury Department which are coming due for things like Social Security, Medicare payments, Veterans pay, Post Office payments and other Federal workers payments. They are racking up big bills now and they need help. They conversation she had with this man from Wells Fargo she wanted to share to let everyone know why the banks are so messed up.

