2023.11/27分 (その5) キンバリー情報 パメラさん英文&Deepl自動翻訳 | 新しい地球を生きる☆魔女の部屋☆


希望は大事❣ だけど。。真実を知る勇気も必要なんだと思います。


Tried to Blow up the Golden Gate Bridge

They thought this would be a good idea, probably because of the portal that was under the bridge that they tried to open awhile back. The detonator for the bridge was not a human thing and it used to be located on the island of Alcatraz. The bridge itself was made of made-in materials and was a hyperconductor for a highly caustic material. Well, they arrived there on Saturday but didn’t find the detonator because it’s been gone for over a year. There was other stuff at the Presidio that is also not there anymore. Again, this is the problem we have when a new crew steps up because you have to teach them all over again what is not there and not working because there is nothing in the Omega-verse to help them anymore. So, this group is no longer with us.



Tried to Blow the Ring of Fire Once Again from Keahole Corridor in Kona, Hawaii


Next, we had operatives over in Kona, Hawaii for quite awhile, trying to fix a system to get ready for something else horrible. This particular underground facility was under the Keahole Corridor in Kona that used to be connected to all the underwater volcanoes in the world, similar to the one in South Africa. It was also connected to a higher version of caesium, which is an element. People may have heard of 137 but this is a different version of that, it’s a goldish brown liquid form of it. It was located in the teutonic plates. These operatives had been working feverishly to get it up in running so they could blow the Ring of Fire once again. Not only that they would also like to blow the San Andreas fault, not all faults but that one because according to them America needs a near death experience. Except they don’t think what’s next and there are no alters there, no connections with the Omega-verse or hell, or Horseman of the Apocalypse, no nothing to make this machine work. The base platform is gone and you cannot connect to anything.



Now everybody is dead except for one person who escaped because he was too scared to be down there.


Went to Facility in Wyoming to Gain Connection to We Humans
They also went to Wyoming because there still were remnants of a facility down there with no connection. The entryways to this facility are the following: The Devils Playground, the Devil’s Tower (which is national monument), the Devil’s Gate, the Devil’s Kitchen and the Devil’s Monument. Yep, you ‘white hats’ are definitely saving humanity by going to this Devil’s facility. 
In this facility they intended on firing up and gaining connection to us people. Kim said if you had some emotional or physical experiences of discomfort it’s likely because they tried to engage some implants you used to have in your person. The frequencies they sent out trying to engage the Omega system may have caused some discomfort as they did have some disease plasma there. But the whole thing was taken out yesterday.  

彼らがワイオミングに行ったのは、そこにまだ何のつながりもない施設の名残があったからだ。この施設への入り口は以下の通りである: デビルズ・プレイグラウンド、デビルズ・タワー(国定公園)、デビルズ・ゲート、デビルズ・キッチン、そしてデビルズ・モニュメントだ。そう、君たち『白い帽子』は、この悪魔の施設に行くことで間違いなく人類を救っているのだ。

The ’Q Clock’ Was Reset & Beware the Pale Horse?

Another question everyone has been asking about is the Q clock because it’s been reset from this morning to add another day, which brings us to noon EST tomorrow. It even says on there, Beware a Pale Horse and his name is death, blah blah.
Seriously people, are you still following this like it’s a patriotic movement? It’s not a patriotic movement! It is some weirdo crackpot plan that probably came 4 or 5 decades ago to some coven members who are dead now. And operatives from the dumb section are really, really dumb! They have no forward plan, no way out, and no idea what they would do after they blew up the bridge and financial system crashes. There is no payout for death and no access to the monetary system.



I found some related comments to this but not the exact one Kim is talking about on the Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 11, 2023 – Rose Rambles…

