I first started on this manuscirpt in late December of last year, after a weekly magazine asked me to contribute my experiences in serialized form. But when I took pen in hand, the manuscript turned out much longer than I had initially expected. The magazine didn't have enough space to run it in its entirety, so I had it returned.

After I contributed my experiences for publication in the inaugural issue of the monthly magazine Penguin?, the publishers ran a serialized column on "urology," perhaps because of the response it evoked. Having established this relationship, the publishers of Penguin? asked to see this manuscript and offered this spring to publish it.

I agreed. But since I was not a very good parent, the birth of this work involved a long and arduous labor. Luckily, my maiden work did see the light of day without too much pain with the help of some very excellent editor midwives.

I would like to thank Ariko Tsuchimoto of Gendai Kikaku Shitsu, in particular, for her valuable help. My deepest gratitude also goes to those urine therapy practitioners who contributed their experiences and helped deepen the significance of this work. And most of all my utmost appreciation to the traslator of Japanese manuscript to English, Ms. Lin Wakabayashi.

A child's inner health is dependent upon the influence of many people during the course of that child's growth. I would like to ask my readers to keep an eye on this child of mine, as I have to admit that I have my limitations as a parent.

Hiroyuki Miyamatsu

To all the readers of this blog.

Thank you so much for reading this blog until today. This will the last context of this urine therapy. Hope you had some idea what urine therapy is. To act upon it will be another matter. It is all up to you to decide. But as it is firmly stated from the practitioners, it is one of the most powerful energy which the Creator has given to the human being to be able to take care of your own physical body. To do or not, that is the question!!! Gratitude

"It's really strange, isn't it? We never would have met if I had taken my car to another garage, and I never would have learned about urine therapy. I was supposed to be giving you acupuncture treatments, but in the end, you taught me the best treatment of all. Lately I've come to believe that curing someone else is really nothing other than curing oneself."

"I've recommended urine therapy to various people. Most of the ethnic Indians who immigrated here are aware of urine therapy as it is practiced in India but are unwilling to try themselves. They're all firm believers in Western medicine and end up on the operating table time and again. My younger brother is one of them. He won't try it even though he realize how healthy I've become."

Just as Hamid was saying this, his big brother emerged from the back of the shop, smiling feebly as if he had overheard the conversation.

"You're going back to Japan? We are really grateful to you. I'm truly impressed by the improvement in Hamid's health. But I still need a little more time before I take the step myself. Hope you are as healthy as ever after returning to Japan."

"You too. Wish both of you the best of health," I said, firmly shaking Hamid's oil-smeared hand. I could tell they were watching me as I left the shop, but could not turn back to wave good-bye.

Very soon after returning to Japan, I began to tell people of my experiences with urine therapy.

Whenever I tell people I was drinking urine, the standard response would be a bewailing about what the world was coming to if one had to go so far as to drink urine. And indeed, it did seem as though the end of the world had approached. All I can say is today, with the world in this condition, the only way to stay healthy is to drink urine. That's why I practice urine therapy and strive to spread the word to as many people as possible. In fact, that's why I wrote this book.
Epilogue 1

Five days before I was to reluctantly leave Toronto, I bid farewell to all the friends I had made in those eight years. As usual, I didn't tell friends about my move much beforehand, perhaps because of my Bohemian streak.

The parting which left the deepest impression was that with Hamid. Almost as soon as I entered the repair shop, I called out to Hamid, who had his head stuck under the hood of a car, that I was returning to Japan.

He froze.

I continued speaking while moving behind him. "Hamid, thanks for everything. I wouldn't be the man I am today if I hadn't met you. I've decided to go back to Japan."

Homid slowly stood up and turned to face me. In the past, he would have supported himself with his hand, but he no longer needed to do that.

"How have you been doing lately?" I asked.

"Never mind me. Why didn't you tell me sooner you're going back? I would have had a farewell party. Well, at least you have a country to go back to. People are happiest living in their native lands. We have to live in a foreign country forever. But don't worry about us. Hmmm. so it's been three years since we began urine therapy. It was a good thing we made up our minds. I no longer feel any pain, no matter what position I'm in. I don't know if it will cure polio, but I'm going to continue urine therapy for the rest of my life," Hamid said.
That Bracing Glass of the First Urine of the Morning

50-year-old male

It's been a year and two months since I first learned of urine therapy. That encounter came about when I joined Miyamatsu, who brought some Indians from Canada who were afflicted with mercury poisoning to Minamata.

At first I thought he was making fools of us; after all, no one in his right mind would consider drinking urine.

But a close friend of Miyamatsu in the group said he had changed dramatically from the listless figure he had been several years earlier. I had vaguely noticed that change, but it came into sharp focus when she mentioned it. He cut quite a differnt figure from the last time he had come back to Japan before he had begun urine therapy, so it was impossible to reject his claims outright.

I had diarrhea as soon as I tried it the next day. I had heard that detoxification occurs within a week or two, but mine was instantaneous. This condition continues today. Shortly after drinking it, I get the urge for a bowel movement. Everything that has accumulated in my intestines over the past 24 hours is emptied out entirely, leaving me feeling very braced and refreshed.

I have noticed a big change in my perspiration levels I didn't sweat much, before but today, I sweat profusely during the summer. And I'm not bothered so much by hangovers any more. Those are the only changes I've noticed, nothing particularly dramatic.

But I have noticed a change in my character. I am now able to listen more keenly to what others have to say. Until now, I had drawn a line between myself and people from different backgrounds or those who held different opinions from me. But ever since drinking urine and overcoming my preconceived view that it is dirty and a waste product, I have come to think that perhaps nothing is absolute in this world. So instead of rejecting others' views outright, I wonder why they are so hard set in their ways. This may be a psychological change, but I think it's a major one.
This summer I had the opportunity to travel to Hokkaido for the first time in a dozen years. The sun was setting just as we arrived at Kussharo Lake, creating a very systerious and beautiful atmosphere. One of the people on our group started swimming,as though drawn into the lake. Everyone seemingly took that as a signal to join in. Ever since damaging my kidneys, I had been afraid to chill myself and hadn't gone swimming. But I plunged in fully clothed since I no longer harbored my earlier fears about excreting albumin in my urine simply by being chilled by the slightest drizzle. My kineys had recovered! I was able to continue the trip with no problem whatsoever.

Today I feel my encounter with urine therapy was a once-in-a-lifetime meeting. In the past I cursed my fate. But I now realize God gives us all an equal chance. It's up to the individual whether or not he or she will take up that opportunity. My spirits sink when I think what would have happened to me if hadn't learned of urine therapy. Now I give thanks each day for this "resurrection" and the joy of life. I anxiously look forward to the day when each drop of urine that I consume will turn into a river that reaches to the far corners of my body and provides me with true health.
Around that time, I developed a pimple-like rash on my face. This disappeared in a few weeks, only to appear again later in a repetitive cycle. By the time this cycle had run its course, my skin had acquired a youthful vibrancy. Not only that, but the wrinkles around my eyes that had become more and more conspicuous disappeared. Nowadays I use urine as toilet water. And rubbing urine into my knees and elbows where the skin had hardened and turned flaky has helped soften them up and remove the dark spots.

Recently I have begun to apply urine to my eyes and gargle with it when returning home after being exposed to carbon dioxide and other exhaust gases. Urine stings the eyes a bit, but leaves them and my throat refreshed.

I have experienced various physical reactions since commencing urine therapy. Much of the pain comes in cycles, and no matter how much I tell myself this is an anticipated reaction, I feel disheartened, thinking that my condition has taken a turn for the worse. To overcome this, I drink urine several times a day. Before I know it, I have completely forgotten about the reaction and am in good spirits once again. This pain is surely like the spreading ripples in a pond, eventually it will disappear. Recently, I have come to look forward to these reactions because I am confident that this is part of the process of regaining my health.
One day, however, I had the opportunity to hear Mr. Miyamatsu talk about urine therapy. I was shocked by his enexpected comments, but at the same time intuitively felt it might be my last resort.

I decided to try it that very night. Despite my determination, however, I found myself wondering whether it would really work, what to tell my family, and what kind of cup I should use. Before I knew it, the new day was upon me. I had never questioning what I was taught from childhood--that urine is dirty. Now I was going to drink it. I began having second thoughts--maybe this was some bizarre and unmentionable act. But my desire to regain my health was even stronger and let me overcome my inhibitions about drinking the amber-colored liquid. But as soon as I swallowed it, I felt the urge to vomit. I hastily rinsed my mouth out time and again. Then I scrubbed the cup vigorously with detergent. Today I can look back fondly on that initiation ceremony into urine therapy. I have been drinking it without fail for over a year now.

Nowadays we prefer all our food and drink either very hot or cold. We disdain lukemarm food. Perhaps one may be one reason why some people consider urine hard to drink. I was probably prompted urge to regurgitate by my belief that is waste matter.

About a month after beginning urine therapy, I found myself getting up earlier, requiring less sleep, not tiring out, and able to wake up without much problem. The other wonderful change was that the disappearance of my chronic constipation. Moreover, in the past, I had always been bothered by a sore throat and felt as if something was stuck in it all the time. I always had to carry herb throat lozengers in my handbag whenever I went out. And every winter I would catch a cold without fail and inevitably develop a high fever. But after several months of starting urine therapy, I coughed up much of the phlegm that had built up over the years and was able to get through this winter without catching a cold.
The Meeting of a Lifetime after "Making Pilgrimages" to All Sorts of Different Therapies

36-year-old housewife

Oftentimes in life, one doesn't realize the true value of something until after one has lost it. More often than not, at times like this, one begins to search for that which has been lost.

I have battled various ailments from the time I entered my early 20s to just recently, at the age of 40. During these 20 years, I have embarked on a pilgrimage of sorts, in search of an effective remedy for my ills.

Being a product of the student-strife era of the 1960s, I decided just prior to my college graduation to set out for new life in Abashiri, Hokkaido. During the entire train ride to Hokkaido, I was caught in a bitterly cold draft, which left my throat parched and my body feeling as heavy as lead. I hastily returned to Tokyo to learn that I had developed pyelitis. This forced me to change my future plans. In the ensuing 10 years, I suffered from pyelitis, Meniere's disease, facial neuralgia, lumbago and gastritis, among other problems.

Since then I have tried any kind of treatment I hear of. Most of these therapies have their strong and weak points. I tried to achieve a synergetic effect combining them, but still did not approach what could be called genuine health.

My first reaction was intestinal movement and a desire to defecate. These bowel movements are very refreshing--it feels as if all the solids which accumulated the previous day were emptied out in their entirety every morning. In fact, I had a hair-raising experience in this regard. One day in shortly after starting work, I overslept, and fearing that I would be late for work, didn't have enough time to go to the bathroom before bolting out of the house. My face went ashen as I tried to control myself in the packed subway ride to work. I was in such desperate straits, I recall crying out, "God, please", I barely made it, as I ran into the bathroom at my subway station.

The negative associations I had felt about urine slowly disappeared as the days passed, and I soon found myself able to drink a whole glassful. I overcame all my inhibitions as the initial saltiness and brown color disappeared. About that time, I noticed various small changes in my body.

My complexion improved and I developed the pinkish hue of a young girl. I have begun to apply a bit of urine to my face and hands daily and use some as eye drops every morning and evening. This smarts momentarily, but leaves my eyes feeling refreshed and focused. I look forward to the day when my nearsightedness improves.

Before starting urine therapy I had a chronic case of stiff shoulders, but today no longer complain about this problem. All the fears I harbored about having to put in eight hours a day of desk work on the job have disappeared from my mind.

Experience has shown me how healthiness provides that extra leeway and boost that leads the way to a vibrant life. This is truly wonderful therapy.

Mr. Miyamatsu tells me that the younger one starts, the more effective urine therapy is, and assured me my complxion will remain fresh and young. I still have some years to go before reaching 25, the age when a woman's skin is said to start to deteriorate. To be honest, nothing is more thrilling for a woman than to retain the soft and supple skin of a 20-year-old throughout her life.

I am deeply thankful for having been exposed to this wonderful therapy at this young age. I should add that my blood count has since risen 0.2 points, well within the range of what is generally considered a healthy level for women.

While the changes may be slow, I am aware that my body is gradually moving toward a higher plane of health. Inwardly, my heart is literally dancing with anticipation over what will occur next..

My Heart Literally Danced Over the Changes I Experienced

20-year-old female office worker

It seems to me that women are more prone than men to suffer various kinds of physical disorders. Some of the symptoms of these disorders are noticeable, others are not. Most women are in a position where they must push themselves beyond their limits as long as such rigors do not have too great an impact on their daily lives.

I recently realized that I, too, fall into this category. Just as I was looking for a job during my last year of junior college, I learned that an airline company was hiring stewardesses. I managed to pass the interview and written test but fell out of the keen competition in which 40 applicants were vying for one job, only after undergoing the physical exam. The cause:anemia. It was quite a shock, as it had not posed much of a problem, barring a little wooziness I sometimes felt from lack of sleep. I may have resigned myself had I failed the written test, but my failure to pass the physical exam prompted me to take immediate action.

I had two separate physicians conduct blood tests, but was told that many women suffer from anemia and my blood count was not low enough to merit concern. I was informed that I was far from sick: they had expected a much more serious case from what I had told them about my physical exam results.

I first learned of urine therapy just about that time. I was told that drinking a glassful of urine each morning would help the body attain a genuine state of health. But the idea of drinking urine was ashameful and terrifying act that required much courage for a 20-year-old like me. It also took some time for me to rid myself of the notion that urine is a dirty waste product.

But my strong desire to do away with my concerns about my body prompted me to begin. At first I shut my eyes, held my breath and gulped down about a third a cup. Naturally, I didn't tell anyone in my family that I had commenced this radial therapy.

Initially, it awas very salty. I felt as if a film had formed in my mouth. After gulping it down, I rinsed out my mouth thoroughly and spent about twice as much time as usual brushing my teeth.